random scenarios | wraith

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Y/n, hungry, walked into Renee's kitchen with their hand over their stomach as they looked around for something to snack on. The smell of cookies hit their nose, pulling their attention to a plate cookies left cooling on the kitchen counter.

"She won't mind if I had just one..." they mumbled to themselves as their gaze lingered on the plate for a moment. They shrugged and took one off the cookies from the plate.

"Smells a little burnt," they commented, but took a bite out of the dessert anyway.

"Hey." Renee had come home from some last minute shopping. She didn't get anything too serious, just some snacks and a couple deserts to stuff into the cabinets. "I made some cookies and I got some ice cream for-" she stopped when she noticed Y/n standing in the kitchen, holding a cookie that was bit into with a blank expression on their face. She raised a brow in confusion as Y/n did nothing but hand her the dessert in their hands. Not giving it much thought, she took a bite as well.

It was... gross at best. Somehow it smelled like a slightly burned but still decent cookie and tasted nothing like it. Her lip twitched in disgust, tossing cookie and dumping the entire batch into the trash.

"Your a bad cook."

"I know."

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