cutie patootie

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I've been in a severly shitty mood since thanks to my mom (when does she not make me feel like shit lol) and I've been anxious as hell for the past couple of days and I'm writing this to kind of make myself feel a little better

you are a cute little kid and they have a cute interaction with you. In all honesty, most of these may be you getting lost and the helping you find your parents lol but we'll see as I write

also quick note, I'm won't always write for every legend, simply because either I don't wanna or I can't think of something for them, (most of the time it's the latter), so sorry if your fave doesn't pop in a chapter. plus there's a lot of them anyways so

still I hope you like this chapter, and sorry if it feels empty or rushed


You asked him for an autograph. He's flattered and more than happy to sign a small poster you had clutched in your small hands-Especially after you proclaimed to him that you were his, and I quote "Number one super ultra mega biggest fan in all the outlands!" He even takes a cool selfie with you and his holograms on your phone so you can show all your friends and family.


Renee was walking down the street until she heard voices from the void tell her to look over to her left. There you were, a s small  little kid, bawling your eyes out because you lost your mom. She kneels down to your height and uses her scarf to wipe your tears and asks you if you need any help to find her. To get you to calm down, she lets you eyeball her phase technology. She even shows you her kunai, and then you start to pester her with questions until you spot your mom. Your mom apologizes and thanks her for looking after you, and she reassured your mom that it was nothing. When you tell her goodbye, she can't help but soften her eyes and smile back, giving you a small wave.


While waiting for Ajay to get out of a store he wasn't allowed into, you came up to him shyly and asked him why he had "robot legs." He was more than happy to tell you how he blew off his own legs to beat the gauntlet record, and you thought that was so cool! You were chatting it up for a while, talking to him about how you like to do crazy tricks and stunts too (admittedly, it's just you pretending the floor is lava and jumping off the table onto the couch) until your older sister popped out of the store to take you home. She said sorry to him because you were in her words "talking a hole into his head" but he said it was fine just as his friend came out of the store


She usually doesn't have any kind of interactions with kids much, but she's surprisingly sweet when it comes to mingling with one. She was catching up with a family friend, who just so happened to bring you along. One would think that Anita would mind a kid who clung to her arms and legs all the time but she didn't. You liked to squeeze her biceps and get her to let you swing on her arms. You even get her to chase you around the playground and play soldiers.


Your school (do kids even go to school in this universe lol) brought you S.A.R.A.S HQ for a sort of field trip. You got to see all the cool gear and vehicles that the volunteers got to use, learning about the importance of helping people in need and whatnot. While most of your friends were chatting it up with each other, you asked Makoa did you have to be as strong as him to save people. With a hearty laugh, he tells you that all you need is heart, and to be a little older first.


You were begging your dad to get you a toy ring her promised he'd get you, but he refused to do so for a ridiculous reason. You were upset and pouting about it, sitting grumpily on a bench while your dad chatted it up with a lady. Why couldn't he get it? It light up and changed colors and everything! While he wasn't paying attention, a pretty lady strutted up to you and handed you something-it was the toy ring! Your eyes lit up, thanking the lady and slipping the ring into your finger. She gives you a light pat on the head and disappears before your father even notices she's there.


You were in the hospital for an injury you got from climbing up and falling out of a tree. You broke your leg, and felt quite lonely when your parents weren't there, so Ajay kept you company. She always read your favorite books, listened to all the stories you had to tell her, and would sneak you an extra serving of jello for lunch.


You sat on the counter while you watched the mechanic mess around with a gun on the counter, kicking your legs back and forth, blowing a big bubble with the gum she had given. When she wasn't busy, you asked her to see if she could blow a bigger bubble than you. You two went at it for a while, but when you saw hers was bigger, you poked it with your finger and it popped, sticking to one side of her face and even some stuck on her hair. You were laughing hysterically and holding your stomach while Ramya went to go pick bubblegum off her face.


Newton was your best friend and you loved to go over to his house to play. Your mom was a good friend of Dr. Somers, so she often dropped you off at her place to sit for a while. You did a whole lot of fun things with the two-bake cookies, name all the planets in the core systems and listen to Newton and his mom spout about astrophysics.


You watched as the older man stabbed at his fingers rapidly. A part of you wanted to turn away, because you were scared he might dig the knife into his hand but nope! He stuck the knife into the side of the table, signaling he was done. He just beat his own 5 finger filet record! Awesome! You wanted to try too-but he shut that down real quick. To cheer you up, he showed you how to play a tune on his guitar.

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