conduit catch up

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just gonna sneak on in and drop this here teehee i say it all the time but dammit i miss writing this all the time 


Honestly, Rowena was super sweet the first time you two were in a squad together. She was eager to assist her teammates, but that eagerness sometimes led to her getting herself tripped up and hurt herself, became more apparent when it was just the two of you together.

"Conduit, are you alright?" You asked her, just narrowly escaping a crowded gunfight. You both decided to catch a breather in a building and hit the road so you don't get stuck in the ring.

"Yeah! I'm okay!" She says with a clearly pained groan. "Let's just keep going, I'll be fine!" You don't have time to say anything else about it since the sound of gunshots and explosions are getting closer. She does her best to protect you with her radiant shields and keep up with you-and she's doing a pretty good job. You guys placed top 5, which wasn't bad at all, but she still felt slightly disappointed it wasn't a win. You let her know that she did great, and still tried to make sure she was okay, but she insisted she was fine.

Falling asleep on her

She was watching a video on her phone when she felt your head softly hit her shoulder. She flinched at first thanks to her arms being sore, but you looked like you had a long day and she didn't want to wake you up to move you ☹

Killing a Spider

I feel like she's one of those people that imagine that bugs have families they go home to, so when you killed it she got kinda sad. I like to imagine she likes bugs, idk she just has that kind of energy

"But what if he has little baby spiders he has to go home to?" Now you feel a little terrible about killing it.

Is she jealous?

Despite her positive and bright attitude, she also felt super isolated and lonely when she joined the games because everybody knew each other, and while she did get along with them, she also just kinda felt like she was just there. So when you came along and actually made her feel seen, she kind of got attached to you. When you go off to mingle with the others and have your own convos outside of her, she does feel a little envious of that, but I don't think she's be jealous of anybody.

Having a Nightmare

You call her-it was close to four in the morning, but you needed to talk to someone-anyone. She listens and reassures you that it's just that, a bad dream and that everything will be okay.

Out at 2am

You guys are just strolling about, getting ice cream at a shop that stays open after hours. You were recording a video, showing of your chocolate cone when you hear her groan. Whipping your camera in her direction, you laugh as she sticks her tongue out her mouth and squeezes her eyes tight and she painfully squeaks: "Brainfreeze!"


As a couple: I feel like Rowenna would be on the student council cause shes so energetic and such a social butterfly and likes to play her part in helping and supporting the student body. If not, she'd at least be one of those very involved students on committees and things like that since she likes being involved. You on the other hand, were the opposite. You treated school as if it were a job (without the pay) You'd show up, do the work, and go home, but once you started dating Rowenna, she made it her ultimate goal to pull you out of your shell. She'd invite you to school events like sports matches, rallies, and even community events and you actually found yourself enjoying these things a little, but she also knows that you're a lowkey individual, so she always makes sure to not push you into hyper social situations all the time.

As friends: So, the first time you got familiar with her was during some auditions that the theater class was hosting for a musical they wanted to put on. You volunteered to sign up for tech since most of the students were auditioning and it was offered as community service credit for non-theater majors. She was super friendly, and even though she got one of the main parts, she wasn't an ass or had main character syndrome unlike some of the other actors. She was really sweet and even offered to help you paint some of the props when the actors were on their break during rehearsals. You both became friends in due time, and stayed friends even outside of the musical production. Turns out, she's a major dork for Hamilton other popular musicals and whenever she can she'll talk a hole into your head about why it's the greatest stage production of all time.

Cutie Patootie

Conduit with kids is an interesting case study. She either gets along with them, or she doesn't, and this little squirt in particular was one she wasn't vibing with. Well, it was more so on the kids side, but the point still stands.

Some extended family was visiting, and while she's honestly pretty great with kids, one of her baby cousins was just being difficult the whole time, they weren't too keen on being forced to sit in a car for two and a half hours to come see some strangers. It was becoming obvious they weren't really having a good time, but after she bribed them with a scenic walk and ice cream, they got along for the rest of the visit, and the baby cousin was spent the rest of day attached to the hip.

Meeting your Parents

You were raised by your grandparents, and she knew how close you are to them, which was making her anxious. She was afraid of making a bad first impression, but you promised her that everything would be fine-your grandparents were pretty chill!

They welcomed her into their home, pulling both you and her into a big hug. You granny and grandpa were gentle and sweet, and appreciated her silliness and how she talked about the things she liked. Turns out, she and your grandpa both loved a particular action movie franchise and spent a big portion of the night geeking out about it, which made you heart flutter at the sweet interaction. After dinner, they urged you to bring her back-they loved her! Your grandpa couldn't wait to have her back so he could challenge her on that action movie trivia.


I feel like she would have to warm up to you first, like yeah she's very much a social butterfly but she has to actually know you. If she is comfortable with you, shes actually a hug lover and likes to drag you everywhere.

Random Scenario

"Mmhmm, yeah, okay..." You look up from your book, eyebrows quirked in confusion once again. For the past 15 minutes, she'd been making subtle comments to herself. She seemed very focused on her phone. You thought she might've been reading something interesting, but when she sucked her teeth in, you asked her what was up.

"What're you doing?"

"Oh!" She finally snaps out of her trance, bounding over to you and hopping right next to you on the sofa, showing you her phone. "Sorry! This word game I downloaded yesterday is so addictive, and I've been doing this 100 word challenge to see how many words I can come up with and-"

Now, your listening to her ramble about all 47 words she's found so far.

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