random scenarios | gibraltar

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college next Monday pray for me!
-2 more random scenarios
-1request upcoming

"Hey, Y/n, wanna help me out with my workout routine?" Makoa asked as he draped a towel over his shoulders.

"Sure, I don't see why not," they said, hopping up from your spot off the floor and joining him in the gym. Makoa liked to work out from time to time-kept his physique sharp, and it was fun. He would sometimes ask Y/n to spot him, and they would both see who could last longer on the treadmill. It was usually him, but Y/n came through quite of few times themselves. Today, he had a different kind of workout in mind today.

"37...38..." Y/n was sitting legs crossed on Gibby's back as he did push ups, counting everytime his body dipped down and came back up. "39...40!" Y/n leapt off of his back and helped him stand up. He took a swig from his jug of water.

"Hey, Y/n, grab the heaviest dumbbell that you can hold. I wanna try something."

"Okay," Y/n shrugged, but grabbed a couple of 250 pound dumbbells anyway. They held them at their sides, as Makoa approached them and hoisted the up by the waist.

"Woah!" He began to lift Y/n as if they were a weight up off the ground for a little while. Y/n laughed, almost dropping the heavy weights out of their hands.

"Gibby, what're you doing?" They giggled as he set them down.

"Getting some lifts in," he chuckled as he took the dumbbells from Y/n and placed them elsewhere. "Wanna spot me on the barbell?" 

"Sure, can't have a repeat of the last time you tried to lift that thing."

"Hey, I did lift it, i just had a little trouble is all."

"Sure you did big guy," Y/n teased, the duo headed over to the barbell bench and enjoying the rest of the day working out together. 

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