reaction to you wearing their clothes

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How would they react to wearing your clothes? requested by Brolyfan101

sorry if I left out any of your faves I couldn't think of one for everybody :D


Anita thought you looked hot in her shirt. Unable to find a top you liked in your own wardrobe for a mere casual outing, you asked if you could wear something from her closet. She obliged, and when you came out in a particular plaid top buttoned down halfway, she had to stop herself from whistling.


You look so good in his goggles and t-shirt. he cant help but slide up to you and wiggle his eyebrows playfully with a pleased smirk on his face


She was looking for a particular pair of gloves only to find that you had them on. She blushed, it really warmed her heart to know that you liked to wear something that was hers.


He thought you looked cute, all bundled up in his green and white jacket. You were complaining about it being too cold and just went to go grab it, and now you were snug and sound asleep on the couch. 


Octavio has a collection of vests, and he had one that was your favorite color. He didn't even realize he had it until you had asked him to wear it. He was a little jealous that you rocked it better than he did, so he just ended up letting you keep it.

Revenant (Kaleb Cross)

He feels a sense of pride when he sees you wearing one of his tuxedos. It washes over him when he sees you adjusting the tie and pants and everything. He gives you a knowing look, and then you both are off for your event. 


She let you borrow her jacket while you were busy on the computer-she didn't expect you to look that good in it either. Thinks you look hot. She makes a mental note to go and buy you a matching one later. 


You needed pants, and he had some. Although they were a bit baggy (literally humongous) you tied a hair tie and stuck a couple safety pins in them and they actually didn't look half bad. He thought you looked a little silly, but in a cute way. 


She asked if you wanted to help her fix a bike with her, and she told you to put on this old jumpsuit she had so you didn't get your clothes messed her. She almost dropped her tools when you came outside with the jumpsuit half undone and a sleeveless top. Needless to say, she liked what she saw.


He had this bomber jacket you had taken hostage. He thought you made it look cool (perhaps even cooler than he did?) Anyway, he'd let you wear the jacket on a few occasions just to admire you in it. 


He had some really fancy heeled boots he urged you to try on, and damn, you looked stunning.  He thought you made just about anything look good, and these boots were no exception.


He has this really comfortable robe he likes. When he saw you in it, he was a tad bit irritated when he witnessed you walking around in it, but he didn't mind the sight of you in it either.


She caught you trying on her corset. You just wanted to see what you had looked like in it,  and she thought suited you. So much so, she let you have it.


She had a cute bucket hat that she thought you looked adorable in. She was super gushy about it-she just had to get pics of you wearing it. She had a small matching one for D.O.C too, and she ended up getting a load of pictures of you and the little drone.


She was jealous that you made her overalls look so nice so effortlessly. She had to let you keep them after that though.

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