random scenarios | newcastle

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Lemme finish these because it's Halloween season woot woot

Also everytime I come back to this I think of that one comment on my new castle catch up that stated he was married with children and I had let that slip my mind while writing it and then I commented "just pretend he isn't" and ykw I haven't been the same since 💀

I do NOT endorse cheating or any kind of infidelity at all so I'm really sorry about that I'll go and fix that later

Jackson keeps himself well groomed-he always smells nice , his clothes look good-his appearance in general is all around just on point-and that goes for his head too. A while ago, he decided to shave his hair all the way off. That's when he developed the habit of rubbing his hand over his skull-something that drew a lot of attention to it. It was then you noticed how shiny his head was.

It was smooth, and the way the light bounced off his head was almost mesmerizing. Sometimes, you swore you could see your own reflection in it.

That's when you got the brilliant idea to draw on his head. One day, he was just lounging around and dozed off on a couch when you snuck up on him black marker in hand and got to work, careful to not draw to roughly or quickly to not wake him. Once your masterpiece was done, you scurried off, satisfied with your masterpiece.

A while later, he came to bug you about people pointing and giggling to themselves when he walked by.

"Hey, y/n, do you know what's up with everybody?" He asked, handing sweeping over his head as you fought the laugh that was bubbling up your throat. You shrugged.

"Nuh uh, nope. Why?"

"I don't know, everybody's looking at me like I've got something on my-"  he paused, glancing down at his hand to see a black inky smear striking through his palm.

"What the-"

You doubled over in laughter, stomach tight with pain as you fell over onto the floor, tears slipping from the corners of your eyes.

He slipped his phone out of his pocket and angled his phone to take a picture of his head, face going blank when he saw a picture of a smeared, uh....rather cartoonish depiction of a phallic shaped illustration on his head.

Needless to say, he had his guard up around you for a while, and wore beanies and kufis for a really long time.

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