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Y'all love revenant omg 😭

Basically, are you guys close enough to where you can be physical with each other. Platonic (?)

Loves every bit of it-hugs, high fives, even the occasional chokehold. He's a little touch starved, so he enjoys every bit of contact he can get from you

It would take some time for her to warm up to it, and even then she doesn't enjoy it too much. She's most comfortable with little things like hand holding or knee touching.

He's usually moving to much to be in contact with someone physically anyway, but on the rare occasion he's still, he doesn't mind it too much when you rest up on him for a bit. When he bounces his knee, he likes when your resting your hand or arm on his leg.

She surprisingly doesn't mind it often. As the two of you become closer, she warms up to it, but she wasn't feeling it at first. Now, she doesn't mind when sling an arm over her shoulder or rest up against her arms, and she'll even rest an arm up on your shoulder ever now and again. Plus she ruffles your hair

He loves hugs! He's a gigantic teddy bear, and he loves to wrap you up in his arms and will sometimes lift you off the ground while he's at it.

She was the first to initiate it between you both. When she laughs she often grabs onto your arm. When she's bored or wants to bother you, she'll hug you from behind

He's not really into it. Sometimes if he's too tired to argue about it, he'll let something small like brushing up against him slightly slide, but nothing more, nothing less.

He likes it, but at the same time it makes him nervous. He doesn't want to get to comfortable with it, but he anticipates the next time you two touch. Even though he tenses up and gets a little anxious, he doesn't mind the brushes of acknowledgment and the pats on the shoulders.

She does the touching more than you. She rubs your arms and pats thighs to get your attention sometimes. She has an odd obsession with giving you random shoulder massages.

No. Just no. Unless your okay with scratches, bruises and scars, you are not touching him/vice versa.

Big on ruffling your hair. Uses your head as a drum and taps her fingers on it when your chilling.

He likes it, even though he can't feel anything physically. Specially loves it when you give him high fives and fist bumps

They aren't really comfortable with it. They prefer they're own personal space, and you respect that.

She initiates the touch most of the time. Throws her arm of your shoulder, wraps them around your waist, playful punches, etc.  Rests her chin on your shoulder when she wants to bug you or see what your doing. She doesn't care when and where you do it or who see either.

She always gives you nudges of acknowledgment and you guys have this thing where your elbows always have to touch when your next to each other. Sometimes you hold onto her arm when your both are walking

Obviously, he greets you with the occasional hands on but action (of course) but when he's teasing you and what not, he'll pull you into a chokehold and give you a (very painful) playful noogie. It's all in good fun

This woman loves the touches bye. She eats it up everytime and is a little touchy feely herself. She

He's honestly not that into to it at first, but as you two became closer, he gradually warmed up consistent physical contact. Often walking  hand in hand or arm in   He's also your personal headrest.

Absolutely despises it. Don't even think about-the moment she sense your about suck up to her for a hug, her sword

Mad Maggie
Your one of her favorite eggs-course she's comfortable with physical touching. She punched you a lot, and even though it's friendly, it still hurts.

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