maggie x reader

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Requested by @opalcranium homie gave me a whole story down to the kiss so i hope i wrote this to your liking:3

Also I realized I could do like a lot better on my endings so hopefully i'll be able to improve those.

A little while before a match, Y/n wandered around the drop ship. They were a very mellow and easy going person, just vibing and going with the flow, and like they did before any match, they would make conversation with their fellow legends. They talked to Wattson about engineering, Octane about internet stuff-pretty much spoke with everybody during their ship rounds, even if they were too busy to talk, like Caustic who shoed them away or Revenant, who Y/n didn't even expect a conversation out of at all. Y/n didn't mind though, the others were used to this by now, although there was one particular legend they didn't really get the chance to speak with often, if they ever spoke with them at all.

"Mad Maggie" is what she (and pretty much everybody else) dubbed herself. From what Y/n knew, she was an imprisoned warlord who's sentence was death by combat in the Games. She was always guarded and nobody ever saw her outside her cell until it was time for her to enter a match. Y/n always wondered what it would be like to actually hold a conversation with her. She had heard some things from some of the others, and while they didn't want to dismiss what they had said, they still wanted to speak with her themselves. Bu, luckily for them, Y/n was going to get their chance to speak to the woman today.

Today's team arrangement was duos, and Y/n was partnered with Maggie. The latter was still in cuffs at this point, which confused Y/n. They just keep her in cuffs the whole time?

Y/n was the jump master, and they decided dropping towards the outskirts of World's Edge would give the team more time to prep and avoid unnecessary battles and an early elimination. Not that they couldn't handle themselves. Y/n figured an ex-warlord would be able to handle herself on the field.

The game was going good so far, the duo got caught up in a skirmish and got out with minor injuries. She helped them up off the ground, shotgun thrown over her shoulders. "Not half bad, figured you were a badass on the field," she says, pulling them up with ease. Yn thanked her. "So, this'll be the first time we actually talked," Maggie says, Y/n nodded.

"Yeah, I've always wondered what being on a team with you would be like."

"Figures, I'm always on teams with those other eggs or in my cell for the rest of the time."

"Oh? I hope I've met your expectations, then," she said, approaching them with a smirk on her face. "What'd ya say, think I passed the test?" she said as she backed Y/n up into a wall. Y/n gulped as she casually blocked off the side of their head with their arm, suddenly making the height difference between the clue very clear. She tilted her head playfully, her smirk breaking out into an attractive, gold toothed grin. "Hm?"

Okay...just gonna pretend that that didn't do anything for me. Y/n thought to themselves, swallowing the lump in their throat and nodding frantically.

"Yeah! Definitely." It came out a lot more awkward than they intended it to be, but Maggie didn't let that phase her. Instead, she brushed a loose strand of hair away from her face.

"What was that? I think I broke ya."

"Nope! I'm all not-broken!" Y/n squeaked, giving an awkward thumbs up. Maggie thought Y/n was the cutest thing ever. If only she was lucky enough to get some more time out of her cell, she'd get to have them all to herself. She glanced down at Y/n's lips and looked back into their eyes. Y/n bobbed their head up and down, earning yet another smirk from the gold toothed woman. She pressed her slightly chapped lips into Y/n's (who's was also slightly chapped but that's nobody's business) Y/n gripped onto Maggie's jacket, pulling her impossibly closer. When they broke off for air, Maggie finally pushed herself away from Y/n, giving them some space.

"Wow, you are a really good kisser," Y/n said, a bit stunned that all of that had just happened. They weren't complaining, though.

"Really now?" She said, casually swaying her hips as she turned to walk off, shotgun in hand. "Be sure to stop by my cell sometime, aye? I'd love your company." Y/n felt their face warm, and hurried after the warlord. They still had a match to win after all, and the first thing they planned on was paying her a visit after they won. 

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