seer catchup 🦋

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During a duos match: His movements are so captivating-it's like he's put a spell on not only his enemies, but you as well. It was like he danced both with and around his opponents. He couldn't help but notice you watching him.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No! There's nothing wrong! You're just, really amazing."

"Thank you. You aren't bad yourself," he told you, tipping the brim of  his hat to you with a kind smile.

"Oh, thanks,"  you said with a shy smile.

"Now come, we're still in a match after all. I want to see your moves😉"

Needless to say, he's very impressed with you, and can't wait for the next time the two of you get to work together

Reaction to falling asleep on him: He makes sure you get comfortable after he feels your head collide with his lap. He'll make sure your hair is out of your face and even admiring your beauty.

Kill the Spider:

"Y/n, it is just a spider. It is not that serious. It's probably more afraid of you than you are of it."

"I don't care, it's a spider and it's on my bed and I want it off of it now." You watch as Obi inches his face closer to the spider.

"What a pretty color," you hear him mumble to himself.

"Are you...are you admiring the beauty of a spider right now!?"

Is he jealous?: Nope. I mean look at him, he's got nothing to be jealous about! He knows his worth, and is in no way insecure when you talk to or hang around others.

When you have a nightmare: Hell hold you against him and whisper sweet nothings into your ear, trying to get your heart rate to slow down.

High school:

As a couple:  Obi is popular around the school, so of course you two garner some attention among the school populace. Flashy doesn't even begin to cover it-he goes over the top for everything he does for you-whether it's your birthday or a school event. He'd roll out a red carpet to ask you out to prom if he could. He's your biggest supporter, and doesn't know how to stop complimenting you. His parents love you too, and are happy that their son found somebody that makes him happy and allows him to express himself. He likes to take pictures, and has a bunch of photographs of you plastered in his locker and on his bedroom wall. You like to steal his hats and wear them throughout the day.

As friends: You two met at lunch, where he asked to sketch you for an assignment. You agreed, and ended up talking for the rest of the period. You got to know him afterwards, and he's quite the artist. He's not necessarily awkward or anything, but he does sometimes keep to himself; he's a little self conscious about his looks when other students point them out, but he's mostly unbothered by it.  He likes you though, and he has a habit of clarifying certain statements or jokes, which makes it even funnier.

Classes you share: Art, Dance

Oooooo you cheated: "My apologies, Y/n. I usually don't drink as much as I did last night," the person next to you in your bed apologized. You were too busy eyeballing his...everything.

"Oh my god you look so good," you said, earning a tired chuckle from the man. "You should go, I don't want us to get caught."

"Of course. And, this may be a bit inappropriate but I've had a wonderful time." And with that, he winks at you, and crawls out of the bed, leaving you tired, sweaty, but gratified. 



Last night I was playing arenas and I ACCIDENTALLY LEFT THE GAME💀💀💀. To make matters worse, my teammate wished us a good game and I was on RANKED. I was so sick after that that and I will never let that go.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter :P

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