ash catchup🦾

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during a duos match

ash really does not care too much about you, at least it seems that way. Curt comments, and not really acknowledging you as much during the battle. and it's kinda awkward because the whole time your just like "😟" at how cutthroat and ruthless she can be-so much so it's got you swallowing hard and tugging at your collar. However, at some point, you were able to pull off quite the impressive feat with a Bocek, executing an enemy from a distance that would probably take afl few tries to get with one arrow. Needless to say, she'd keep her eye on you for a while.

Falling asleep on her

You had a long day, and you just wanted to chill for the rest of the evening. While you were groggy and sort of out of it, you walked over and and relaxed your exausted body against the first thing you saw-which just so happened to be Ash. She was surprisingly comfortable and her surface was cool, which was a nice contrast to your warm body.

"This is...curious," was all she said as your soft snores filled the room. Even her little rat curled up next to you.

Kill the spider

You swear you saw the simulacrum's eyes glare at you as

Is she jealous

Yes. Very. The....other one sometimes tries to come out and often conflicts with her programming when she gets this way. Although whenever you call it out, she promptly denies it and calls you "childish."

When you have a nightmare

She thinks it's not really any of her concern, but Ashleigh won't stop pestering her about comforting you, so she does so in the best way she can. She lets you pet your little rat and tells you that they are just dreams, and not to let them bother you, although it sounded more like:

"They are nothing but dreams. Do not let them make you weak."

Either way, you knew she was trying and appreciated it.

Out at 2am

You tagged along with her one night, and she likes to hang out in the strangest (and quit possibly the scariest) of places. She loves to walk around abandoned facilities and tunnels. You don't get why she does, but it's nice to hear her little comments about the places you're hanging out in.

High school

Ooooooo you cheated
Honestly, you weren't really sure what to be more worried about-the fact that you cheated-or the fact that she just really aint give a fuck lol. You didn't want your partner to find out what you had done, not because you felt bad (you really did) but because you were afraid of what Ash was gonna do to them. She really did not care if they knew, and was more than ready to end it right then and there if your partner pressed you or her about it.

Cutie patootie

She's not really fond of weak beings, but this little  human (you), at the very least, was able to tolerate. Her little mouse took a liking to you, and you loved the little guy, so she would hang around and keep an eye on you while you played with it. She would always get irritated and be mean when you tried to mess with her sword and arc tether, though.

Meeting your parents

She really doesn't want to, but since you wouldn't stop pestering her, she gave in and agreed to it. She was rude, often sighing when your parents did something awkward and just made them feel uncomfortable. At least she didn't hold them at swordpoint or anything of the sort. Needles to say, you will never ever ever bring her around your parents again.

Her clothes but you make it sexy

You wear her hood

Ash always insisted on taking these walks out by herself, so you never really argued with her about it anyway. For some odd reason, she left her hood at home, and you would try it on to see how good you looked in it, and you looked hot, dare I say. You especially liked the way it looked against your topless form.  After a while, you heard the door open, and you instinctively whipped around and saw her just standing there. She didn't say anything, and you swore you saw her eyes flicker down your body.

"Hm," was all she said, and she left it at that.

Gather around gather around, author's note time.

First of all im still working on the hs au stories, I just wanted play catchup since maggie is literally omg I can't wait to write for her

Second, I revamped my oc so i'm redoing those. You guys don't even have to read them honestly I just like doing it to help write for her + working on a separate book for her too

And FINALLY I will be making a chapter for the parts for certain characters I skipped in the future haha

Anyways thanks for reading and putting up with my shenanigans lemme go to bed now I gotta get up for school in 5 hours lol

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