random scenarios | seer

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"I'm almost ready." 

You grumbled. He said this 30 minutes ago.

He would take an eternity getting ready to go anywhere, no matter the occasion. You guys were just going to hang out with a few friends for  a couple hours, and he was acting like he was going to pop out on the catwalk. 

"Obi, please, we're going to be late!" You huffed irritated, running your hands over your head. Shooting up off the sofa, you stormed up to the bathroom, bursting through the door. He calmly turned to face you, in the middle of adjusting his half buttoned shirt. "You look fine, whats taking you so long?"

He glanced at the fabric between his fingers and turned back to the mirror. 

"I'm not sure if I should wear my collar like this-" He popped the fabric in one direction, "Or like this-" he flicked it in another. Eye twitching in annoyance, you grabbed him by his top and (Irritably) fixed his shirt frantically. 

"There! Now we are leaving!" He took one last look back into the mirror and smirked. Your little episode of rage had contributed  a lot more than he thought it would've to his outfit. And with that, he was out the door. 

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