revenant x reader

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Requested by @KateLynnBrayen

Rev comforting the reader who's anxious about being alone in trios. Okay first of all I apologize in advance is Revenant feels weird the way I write him i SUCK at writing characters like revenant so im like sorry in advance if hes ooc/ kinda cheesy AGGG IM SO SORRY IF THIS IS BAD also i had a thesaurus open in the next tab so sorry if my wiritng feels a bit smarty pantsy this time around thats why lol

Sweat coated your hands as your stomach churned with disquietude. You had already lost one teammate, and the game itself was getting tense. You were scared. It was normal to be a little nervous in a match-your getting shot at with guns and all sorts of contraptions from different people for crying out loud, but everything happened so fast.

First, Mirage was incapacitated and he had to drop out of the game early-you had barely enough time to gather loot before you found yourselves sandwiched between two other teams that came out of nowhere. Now it was just you and Revenant.

Revenant. Not many were too fond of murderous simulacrum. He was cutthroat and threatening to everybody, even you, but to a slightly lesser degree. You had narrowly escaped a potential elimination, (or death) so you both hunkered down in an empty building so you could catch your breath.

Head hammering and heart pounding in your chest, you slinked over to a corner and sank to the floor. Your mouth was dry and you wanted to cry, the burning sensation of tears forming, but to do so in front of the simulacrum (who would definitely taunt you for doing so) would be embarrassing. But your body ached and the pit in your stomach only grew. You felt hopeless, despite the fact the game was going to be over soon. Your nerves were getting the better of you, so much so you almost missed the metallic voice speaking to you.

"Are you about to cry, skinbag?" He said, stalking towards you in the dimly lit room. You looked up, watching him inch closer, his intense orange eyes staring at you.

"No." You sucked in your lip. "I'm not about to cry." You prayed he didn't hear the slight crack in your voice.

"Really?" He didn't seem like he believed you. But you never know, he could be just looking for something to bother you about.

"Yeah, I'm okay." You could tell he wasn't convinced, but he held your gaze as he squatted down to meet your level.

"Whats the matter with you? Really?" His voice was still menacing, but it wasn't as harsh as he normally would have been, had you have been literally anyone else. "Don't lie to me."

You tried to steady your breathing as you felt sweat fall from your forehead. Swallowing, you said:

"I don't want to be left alone." You met his eyes and felt your heart leap in your chest. Shifting uncomfortably in the corner you added; "Everything has gone wrong today, and I don't wanna be here by myself."

"What, you don't think I can handle myself?" You shrugged.

"I'm just having a bad day, I just want this to be over already."

"I've never seen you so razzled, Y/n, but you're gonna be alright." Hearing his words eased your mind a little and your felt your body lighten up slightly. Still, you were a bit anxious as he stood up, beckoning you to join him by reaching out his inhuman hand. Not looking up from your hand in his, you slightly stroked your thumb across the back of his hand.

"Are you sure it'll be okay? I'm still not sure..."

He let out a low chuckle and used his free hand to pat your head.

"Just stick with me and you'll be fine, I won't let anybody lay a finger on you."

Your nerves were still a bit all over the place, but you felt a lot better than you did earlier. You couldn't help the smile that found its way on your lips as you exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I trust you."

"Good, you better had," he says, just as the two of you heard footsteps outside of the building. You pushed yourself up on your toes and pressed a quick kiss where is lips would've been. He had something to say, but decided to wait after the match-right now, you had a game to win.

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