hs au | ramya parekh

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woah I like this idea a little too much I might give the rest of the characters scenarios for it haha

also, im gonna make an effort use the legend's native languages more. the main reason why i don't is because i don't wanna get anything wrong 💀 so pls do not hesitate to correct me if i fuck something up thanks

Anyways hopefully you guys enjoy this

Prom was supposed to be fun. Dancing with your friends, pictures, wearing the world's prettiest prom dress, and making memories you'd look back on and smile to yourself about. It was supposed to be the best night of your high school life, one of the happiest days too...

Or not.

Originally, you weren't thinking about being asked out or anything, you mainly wanted to spend some time with some friends. Nobody asked you to go with them, and you weren't thinking about it, so you figured you'd hang with them for a few hours and maybe leave and do something around the neighborhood for a bit and head home.

There were at least two people that were thinking about asking you to be their date to prom, though. There was Avery-who was pretty popular and well known throughout the school, and there was Ramya, one of your closest friends.

Ramya, admittedly, (to herself, no one else lol) was having a hard time asking you. It was so frustrating to her-how hard was it to just ask? At first, she wanted to ask at the beginning of the year, but then she felt like it didn't matter and it was too soon and forgot about it. Everytime she wanted to ask, she'd just brush it off and leave it at that.

The closer prom got, though, it became increasingly irritating and it sometimes even irked her when it came up. You could say she was a little anxious at the idea of being rejected, a little.

I mean, she was there when you tried your dress on, you were there when she picked out and tried on her sari, so she honestly didn't see why this was giving her a hard time. Sometimes, it made her wanna tear her hair out.

A week before the big, at lunch, she was feeling a bit brave and decided she'd ask you. She got a little bit of confidence after, like, 5 different speeches from Loba, Obi, Kairo, Gibby and Anita so she was like:

"Fuck it. What the hell, let's do it." She skipped the lunch line and beelined straight for the table you were chilling at. She slid in right next to you, catching your attention.

"Yo, Y/n, mate, can I ask ya something?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

"I was wondering if you would-"

"Hey Y/n!"

Aaaaaand they ruined it.

You snapped your neck to Avery-who walked up to you with a cheeky smile. Ramya blew a frustrated stream of air out her nostrils.

"We're talking."

"Now now, I'm sure it can wait," Avery snided, turning back to you with a smile. Ramya crossed her arms and cut her eyes at Avery, tapping her finger against her bicep.

"So I was thinking, you and I should go to the dance together." Your eyes widened in surprise and disbelief.

"Uh, m-me?" You clarified, jabbing your finger towards yourself. Avery nodded.

"Wow, I'd love to go!"

"Great! I'll pick you up on Saturday!"

Ramya sighed and picked herself up from the table, irritated to hell and back.

This was such a waste of time, she thought to herself and stomped out of the cafeteria. I can't believe I skipped lunch for this.

You tried to call after her, but she wasn't listening.

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