revenant x reader

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Revenant and a reader who is blind 🙂

Requested by anglegoodemote

Sorry guys! My first semester is over but I've been tired with work so I'm catching up!

Also ooc rev again cause i suck at writing him omg

Being blind had its disadvantages, but it wasn't all bad. The loss of your vision at a younger age had forced your other senses to work overtime. It honestly didn't change who you were as a person, you were kind and sweet, having an affinity for animals and nature. You absolutely enjoyed the feeling of the fluffy fur under your hands when you pet animals, or the pricklyness of the grass when you swept your palms over the little green blades. The sound of all the different birds chirping in the morning was music to your ears.

Of course, someone who loves animals and nature has to be as kind as a Disney Princess, and you were. You were so sweet and loving to any and everybody who you crossed paths with. Everybody.

Your first interaction with Revenant startled you. You were relaxing by yourself in a public park on a blanket spread across the grass. You were humming to yourself, stroking a cat that had wandered up to you. You heard him walk up to you-a perk of lacking eyesight was having better hearing than normal. The cat scurried away, and you stood up anxiously and asked "Who's there?"

His voice was unlike anything you've ever heard before. He approached you as he spoke. He said he was someone that admired you for a long time. He stopped to stand in front of you and not knowing what to do, you reached out to feel what was there. The way he felt was different-he was cold to the touch-like some kind of metal, but it explained the synthetic voice.

"Are...are you human?" He just chuckled with that synthetic voice of his, and from then on, the two of you would enjoy each other's company.

You were so used to him that you could sense his present before he even let you know verbally he was there. As odd as your first encounter was, you enjoyed the simulacrum's company, and he, yours. To him, you were the most ethereal being in all of the star systems. A part of him was glad that you couldn't see what he looked like-he was a monster after all, and he didn't want to scare you away, but you were always sweet and assured him you wouldn't run away from him. You were eager to link your fingers in with his metallic ones. Something about it just sent butterflies through your stomach. Everytime he showed up, he would bring you some fresh flowers (he caught on real quick that you loved flowers after he observed you essentially inhaling a small cluster of them on the ground) and he adored it when you took in the smell. It looked like you were at peace. It did make you sneeze a bit though.

One night, he felt he had to ask you again. Every now and again, he felt he had to test your loyalty for him, and everytime, you took the questions in stride.

"Y/n." Man you loved that voice. You were both on your routine night stroll (mainly because he usually comes out at night). He allowed you to hold his hand whenever you wanted on these walks, which honestly didn't bug him as much as he thought it would.

"Yes, Rev?" You stopped, indicating that your attention was on him.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"Of course not."

"You know, I could hurt you. I could snap your a twig." You felt the coolness of his robotic fingers wrap themselves around your throat ever so slightly. You knew that he was looking down on you, and it should've scared you. A small part of him wanted you to be afraid so he could save himself the disappointment that would come when he would do something that would frighten you off, but he also hoped you werent. He valued your company too much to let it go, and as long as he had to live over and over again in this hell, he was glad he got to spend a little bit of that time with you.

You swallowed. "I don't think you want to."

"And what makes you think so?"

"You would've done so by now." His hand stayed there for a while, before he ultimately let it fall to his side. You were right, if he really wanted to get rid of you, he would have done so like he did the rest of his victims.

"You've got a point."

"I know, shall we?" You took him by the hand and pulled him along, enjoying each other's company on this nightly stroll.


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