random scenarios | fuse

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Whenever Walter breaks the strings on his guitar, he always bugs you to fix them for him. He could always learn how to do it himself, but he insists on coming to you to help him fix them. One or two strings every now and then are fine, it comes with constantly playing with the instrument, but somehow, he ended snapping 4 of the strings and  busting up four of the tuning pegs this time around. While you were fixing it for him, you wondered: How the hell does this happen to an acoustic guitar?

"There you go, good as new...again." You handed him the instrument, which he took from you with delight.

"Thanks," he said, humming to himself as he began to tune the strings.

"How the hell did you manage to do all of that?" He shrugged, knowing full well that you wouldn't believe it, but your just left it alone. You eyed him suspiciously as he twisted the pegs and plucked at the strings. Moments later, you jumped slightly when you heard a "pop" noise, followed by the sound of a long offkey note. Your eye twitched in annoyance as he turned to you with a semi cheeky, semi neevous smile.

"Fine, I'll fix it-but this time you have to buy the strings."

Did you guys see Catalyst in the new sfto trailer she's so purty

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