maggie catchup 🏴‍☠️

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in a duos match

Lucky you, the crazy insane warlord lady from salvo on your team. You remembered that whole fiasco with fuse and his welcoming ceremony, the ring flares (that was a while other thing, never have you ever gotten caught  in the ring that many times before) and rumors from the others. Other than that, you never really had interaction with the woman. She was ruthless, but in a cool (kinda hot) way. She was a bit harsh whenever you got tripped up or slowed down. She'd be like:

"What are ya, a wimp? Get off your ass and show these rascals who's boss, cuzzie!" Just as she lifted you up off your ass. Once you started to understand the flow of the battle more, she was impressed at how badass you could be once you let the rage out and got into the swing of things. When you were able to chill out and relax for a little you would as her about salvo and why she was in the games in the first place.

falling asleep on her
you just got out of one hell of a match and man were you tired. everything was burning and the world was spinning, and trying to keep up with Maggie the whole time was no better. You couldn't feel your legs anymore, and they gave out on you. You fell straight onto her back-she was about to unleash a flurry of swears on you, but when she realized it was you, she hoisted you onto her back and carried you to your room on the dropship.

Kill the spider
"Maggieeee," you whined. "There's a spider on my table :(." She just gave you that "🤨" side look. She goes over to the table, looks at the spider, and smashes it with her balled up fist.

"Ya happy now?"

"Yes oh my god thank you I love you," you said and wrapped her up in a hug.

Is she jealous?
Perhaps. She's chill, for the most part, but she tries to be possessive over you. You figured it was probably because of what happened between her and Walter, but you always assured her you weren't going anywhere. However, she isn't afraid to break a nose or snap a neck if she thinks somebody is getting a little too comfortable with you for her liking.

When you have a nightmare
She can be surprisingly soft and sweet, and those nights where you wake up from your bad dreams are one of those times. She holds you close and rubs your back softly, telling you that it was just a dream and that your tougher than that.

When you cheat
She. Was. Not. Moving. You swore on your life you would've died if your (as of now) ex walked in on you. You told her that they could walk in at anytime, but she deadass didn't care and wrapped her arms around your body tighter. Yeah, just deal with it.

You and Mags get together and scream and shout random shit while walking down an empty highway after a round of smashing some asshat of a neighbor's mailbox.  Once your done yelling and screaming like a bunch of maniacs, you guys just kind of lay there in the middle of the road for a while, thinking about what else fun you might be able to do before the sun comes up.

High school

As friends: If this a fight, 9/10 the principal suspects that's you and Margaret. She was already expelled for spitting her tooth at him last year, and boy oh boy could he not wait to dig into the two of you whenever he could. If you guys were suspended for fighting, insubordination, or whatever school officials could pull out their asses (or just skipping) you would hang out with your friends behind gas stations. You weren't always breaking the rules though. For troublemakers, your grades were spot on.

As a couple:  You started dating her after she cornered you by your locker during a switching period. Honestly, nobody would have ever thought you two would ever go out, and once they noticed, people started talking. A few people here and there had a thing or two to say about you, and she would always argue with them to defend you and you defended her as well. Nobody talks to or about you when she's around. Once people got the memo that you guys were a thing they left it alone.

Shared Classes: Communications and Child development.

Cutie patootie
Margaret was loading supplies off a ship to hand out to Salvonians. She noticed you were in line, sniffling and rubbing your wet eyes, and stooped down to your level.

"What can I get you, cuzzie?" She asked with a warm smile on her face. You quietly lifted up your arm, showing her your skinned elbow. "Rightie now, no need to cry, I got just the thing to patch you up." She pulls out a medkit and cleans up your injury, the wraps the scraped elbow up in gauze so it won't get infected. She ruffles your hair, earning a giggle from you.

"There you go! All better now!" After that you asked her if you could help her hand out supplies, and she didn't see a reason to say no, so she let you stick around for a while.

Her clothes but you make it sexy

You wear her jacket

You your fingers over the fur trim of her jacket, admiring yourself in the full length body mirror. You were so caught up in how hot you were that you didn't see her, amused and leaning on the doorframe.

"You done stealing my stuff?" She says, earning a startled squeak from you. Instinctively, you cover your body with your arms.

"I was gonna give it back babe, I swear!" You said, an embarrassed smile on your face. She smirked, unfolding her arms and walking towards you until you fell back on the bed. She fell over top of you, holding herself up on her arms, looking over you body. Yep, you were in for a long night.

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