random scenarios | pathfinder

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Also I'd love to write some longer scenarios for y'all because you guys deserve better fr, but they will take forever because that's just me

"Path? Why're you rummaging through my dumpster?" Leaning up against the alleyway wall, the MRVN poked his head out of the large trash container.

"Oh, hi there friend!" He spoke, turning around to face you, revealing a bundle of fur in his metal arm. You noticed the bundle of fur move for a moment, before it made a soft "mew" noise. "I was just making sure that these cats were okay." You could've sworn your heart melted at the sight.

"C'mon, let's get these kitties down to the shelter," you suggested, taking a couple out of his arms.

After the short walk to the animal shelter, you and Path helped make sure the kittens were bathed and fed, and even stuck around to play with them and some other animals present at the shelter. A few hours passed and the shelter was closing for the night, but Pathfinder seemed like he didn't want to leave yet. The shopkeeper approached you both, a concerned look on his face.

"Are you guys alright?" He asked, wiping his hands on his animal themed apron-it was a pig.  You nudged your arms at pathfinder, urging him to tell the shopkeeper what was on his mind.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just..." his screen flashed, displaying a sad face. "I'm just really going to miss this little guy." He gently pet an orange and white kitten that was nuzzling against his legs. It looked up at him, blinking and mewing.

"That's okay, you can still come back to see him," you said, but his screen stayed the same.

"Tell you what, why don't you guys come by tommorow, and we can start the adoption process?" Pathfinder's screen flickered, asking the worker to explain a bit further. After he basically explained he could come back and get the cat to take home tommorow, he was in much better spirit.

So the next day, he was at your place bright and early, just as the shelter was about to open.  Needless to say, he was one happy, kitten obsessed robot that day.

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