random scenarios | loba

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Hey! This was gonna come out the other but I got all my wisdom teeth pulled a couple few ago and that shit took me out but I'm back again!

Also you are buying loba some shoes in this one because I work in a shoe store lol

"What about these ones?"



"No no no no no!" Loba rubbed her brows, irritation knitted on her features as she rejected yet another pair of heels you showed to her. A couple days ago, you asked her to borrow a pair of shoes from her closet for an outfit, and she agreed on the condition you returned them in pristine condition. And unfortunately, you ended up breaking a pair of heels that just so happened to be her favorites. Of course she neglected to even mention that those were her favorite ones, she just had to let you have free reign of her closet and not set any rules or limitations on what you could and couldn't borrow.

These particular shoes didn't look like anything special, they were just black patented pumps, but sometimes, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder (I guess)

"Well, which ones do you like?" You said as you reluctantly placed a pair red heels back down on display.  She dramatically flipped a braid over her shoulder, her eyes sweeping over the shoe store before something caught her eye.

"Those ones! Over there!" She strutted towards a pair of black shoes, almost reminiscent of the ones you broke.

Lucky for you, they didn't cost too much, and she was happy at least.

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