random scenarios | rampart

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As of yesterday I'm officially 18 heyo!

"Aaaaand done!" Ramya clicked off the tattoo gun and wiped your arm with a towel. "Take a look."

You marveled at the colorful tattoo that she had just spent the last 4 and a half hours inking into your skin.

"Other than the excruciating pain of a needle digging into my skin 270 minutes, I like it!" It was mostly black, but she added her own little touches with a dash of pink here and turquoise there. She blended the colors nicely with the color of your skin.

"Yeah you better, or I might've decked you in the arm," she teased as she watched you lightly stroke you finger over a particularly swirly pattern.

"Hey, thanks, I really love it, seriously," you said. She waved her hand at you.

"Eh, it's nothing. Your one of my chums." She pulled out her phone and turned on the camera so she could get a few pictures. She pulled your arm towards her and start to twist and readjust your arm's angles as she began to rapidly press down the shutter button. You peeked over her shoulder as you watched her open up a social media app and click a few pictures.


"What? I'm not not gonna share my masterpiece with the world," she said, typing up a caption.

"....Are you gonna tag me?"


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