loba x reader

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Loba catches the reader harming themselves. its only implied, not specified, but there nonetheless.  Requested by  @_MyaSia__

If you are feeling suicidal, depressed or lonely, please reach out to a trusted/loved one or call the suicide prevention hotline. 1-800-273-8255. Even if you just need somebody to talk to :)

You and Loba had been dating for a few months now, but it honestly felt like forever, and you couldn't be happier. She was always on your mind, you were always on hers, and she always went out of her way to let you know, whether it be through gifts, cute lunch dates, or just being with each other. As much as she showered you with love, always reminding you how beautiful you were, you always had these feelings you couldn't always explain.

As much as you loved your girlfriend, there was no way you could ever tell her how you felt. You just couldn't, it would break her heart. So you resulted in more self destructive ways to cope with those feelings.

You began to harm yourself, it's something you too weren't proud to admit.  You thought it would help, but you just felt numb every time. You didn't feel any better, you just felt the same or sometimes worse.

Loba had left out for the day, said there was some business she needed to take care of and she wouldn't be too long. On the way back to your guy's place, she ended up taking a detour and getting you both some carryout.

"It's a nice day out, business went well, and I can't wait to spend the day my lovely Y/n," she hummed to herself, lightly swinging the bag of food along. Everything just seemed so good today. She was super excited to get back home to her beloved Y/n.

When she got home, she shoved her key into the door lock, eager to spend the rest of the day cuddling and relaxing, but was put off by the odd silence. Normally, she'd hear Y/n shuffling around being a busy body. Or even greeting her first thing when she walked in the door.

"Y/n? I'm home love,"  she called, but she didn't get an answer. Weird... She notices a dim light in the hallway. Probably from the bathroom," she thought.. Placing the food down on the coffee table, she makes her way towards the bathroom. "Y/n, are you in there?" She asks softly. She pushes open the bathroom door, her eyes widening at the sight of what she saw.

"Y/N!" she dropped to the ground and pulled you into a hug. You were curled up on the bathroom floor, crying to yourself.  "Darling, what's going on?" She held you close as you wept in her hold.  "Baby, what's going on? What happened?"

"I'm sorry, I...I just...I just..."

"Shhh, it's okay, you don't have to say anything, love," she coos as she helps you stand and takes you to your room, sitting you on the bed. As the mattress sank under your shared weight, you looked down at your legs, avoiding looking her in the eyes. You felt embarrassed, ashamed, and everything else bad. You couldn't bear to be seen like this. A few beats of silence passed before you spoke.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh love, don't be." She stroked your face lovingly. Leaning into her touch, you sighed.

"I wish I could stop feeling like this, whatever this is," you said. She strokes your arm as you lean on her shoulder. She pauses for a moment, considering her words carefully. She loves you so much, she didn't want to upset you more than you already were.

"Whatever it is, I want to help you, if you'll let me. I love you and I want to help you get past this. I really do."

You sniffled, but nodded against her shoulder.

"Thank you, I love you."

"I love you too, hub. I'll do anything. I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore. Do you hear me?"

And little by little, you made an effort to get better. You talked it over with her, and arranged to get a therapist. Whenever you weren't with your therapist, you two would go out and exercise. You became more open with her, and she listened and gained a better understanding of your mental state.  She stuck with you through your ups and downs, the days where nothing went wrong and the days you had your relapses. You were really thankful that you didn't have to go through this alone anymore.

One evening, after you and Loba had spent the day together, you two found yourselves watching the sun set on a park bench.

"Lovely day, am I right?" She chuckled, hand in yours as you smiled and agreed.


"Well, let's head home, shall we? It's been a long day." She reached out to you and hoisted you off the warm bench.

"Thank you, for this. And not just this, for everything you've done for me," you said, earning a genuine smile from your girlfriend."

"I love you too, beautiful. It's my pleasure."

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