when you have a scar

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hs au on hold for now, I'm kinda stumped on what to write for some of it lol

anyway somebody requested one about having a scar so here it is!


You have an x shaped scar over your nose

Honestly, he thought it was a little terrifying. Made you look like one of those hitmen for hire (according to him) he sometimes makes some passive, half joking, half serious comments about it. He'll stop though when you give him that "shut up or I'll kill you" glare.


You have a back scar

She saw it once when you were changing (not in a creepy way, she just happened to be looking for you and saw you slipping a shirt over your back) She wanted to ask about it, but didn't want to trigger you in case you got it from some kind of traumatic freak accident. Luckily for her, you ended up telling a story about how you fell off a tree as a kid and hit your back in the back of your dad's pickup truck. Not really what she expect but she chuckles everytime she sees it because it reminds her of that story.


You have a scar under your arm

One day out of the blue he asked you if you had any scars. He had a few that were mostly healed over, and he wanted to compare his with yours if you had any. Turn out you had one under your arm, and according to him he thought it would be "more impressive."  All you could do was cut your eyes at him because he just made you left your shirt up for nothing.


You have a scar on your arm

she was curious about it. She's got a few scars herself, courtesy of being apart of the military. Yours didn't have those kinds of stories behind it, it was rather tame, but it was a good way to get to know you better at least.


You have a forehead scar

He never really bothered you about it-figured it wasn't his place to ask. He noticed that you would sometimes rub your hand over it for an extended period of time, as if you were ashamed or embarrassed, so he took it upon himself to tell you he thought it was pretty rad.


You have a cheek scar

She already had her own scar, a Litchenberg scar on her cheek, so it was pretty cool that you two had something in common. Yours looked a lot more like it came from a deep wound though. She was curious about it and asked, and afterwards she explained how she ended up with hers.


You have a stomach scar

The scar was kind of huge-it attached all the way across your abdomen. He was a little curious about it, but it didn't really pique his interest enough to bother to ask.


You have a nape scar

He accidentally wacked you on the back of your neck with his drone. Hard. Like really hard. He keeps apologizing for it whenever gets the chance to.


You have a scar over you left eye

She scratched your eye once on a particular evening where you frightened her. She had gotten her nails done nice and sharp that day too. Thankfully, it wasn't as horrific as one would be led to assume, and she makes up for it with flattering comments anyway.


You have a chest scar

He says some sick shit about it when he's in the mood to threaten everybody's lives. Let's just say he likes the idea of giving you a few more....permanent scritches and scratches.


You have finger scars

Of course, the doctor in her lectures you about being more careful. She suggests using solutions and ointments to help them heal faster.


You have a knee scar

Lucky you, you banged your knee on him by accident.  He felt a little bad about it though. He even pressed his head against your knee and said it was a kiss to make your booboo feel better :)


You have a scar going across your nose

They inquired about it. They saw you swiping your hand across your face a few times and it brought attention to it. They were intrigued when they learned you got it from a particular ferocious beast


You have a eyebrow scar

She made a joke about you were jocking her style, but it was all in good fun. She thought it was pretty cute. Made you look like a badass. She would stare at it a few times when you weren't looking.


You have a bottom lip scar

She would stare a lot at your lips and would tell you how cute she thought it was. She would tease you every now and then-it was honestly embarrassing a little. She taps your lip with her pencil or index finger.


You have a scar streaking over your eye

Twinsies! He's got one striking across his left eye too. You cover your eye and pretend to be a pirate or mock him-accent and all.


You have a scar on your thigh

She noticed it once when you were wearing shorts. It was a really odd placement for a blemish, and it was really noticeable. She grabs your thigh and squished it several times to get your attention.


You have a stomach scar

A little self conscious about the the scar, you were. But Seer has a way of just making you feel like you were ethereal. He told you to not be ashamed of it once he noticed you were covering it up with your arm (you were wearing a crop top) and that it was something special. He admires every little thing about you, and he lets you know every time.


You have a scar on the back of your head

She got you with her sword. Whatever you did to piss her off was enough for her to go across the back of your head with a weapon that sharp. You moved just in time that it didn't actually do anything too severe. But that'll serve as a reminder to never get on her bad side.

Mad Maggie

You have three scars on your cheek

You got them after getting in the middle of a scrap. She impressed-it's a sign to her that your tough and can hold your own.

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