Chapter 1: The Meeting

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Wake up..... Wake up!

Kai jumped out of the bed and fell to the ground, then looked around in his room.

'Just as I thought, it's one of those dreams again, the same terrifying but still soft vo... '

Before he could finish his sentence, someone knocked on his door.

Zeru's voice echoed through the entire room when he entered.

"Are you still asleep, Kai? You know we must train with grandfather before he goes to the meeting."

"Ow! Nevermind, you have already begun with your training."

Kai has just realised that he was half-naked, sweating all over the place, and it looked like he was doing some push-ups. But that was not the training that Zeru was referring to.

"I know... I know, just let me put my tracksuit on, I will be out in a minute."


As soon as Kai stepped outside, a warm breeze hit his face, and he immediately felt warm inside. The sky was clear, and the sun was at the highest point.

Von city became extremely crowded this year, and it should not come as a surprise since the big event that occurs every five years is about to start in a few days.

"Kai, I want to look up something in the arena nearby and can you tell grandfather I won't be late for the training?"

"Aright. But try to hurry back as soon as possible. You know how your grandfather is when he gets angry."

"I know. I will be back before you even realise that I was gone."

Zeru ran into the crowd and soon after disappeared. Kai ran around the block to get warmed up for his training.

Kai returned to his home sweating after 30 minutes of running. He encounters Zeru's grandfather at the entrance.

"Good morning Sir."

"Good morning Kai. You do not have to be formal every time you see me."

"But you are the clan leader over the fire clan. Everyone should talk to you with respect, sir."

"Hahaha, you may have a point, kid."

"Where is Zeru? did he forget that the training starts soon?"

"No, sir. He said that he would return before the training."

"The meeting will start in a few hours, so we must begin our training soon."

That's when it hit Kai to ask the clan leader about the meeting, since he didn't know if he would get a chance like this.

"Sir, can you tell me about the meeting?"

The question echoed in his head for a few seconds, and not sure he would get an answer, and the clan leader started talking.

"The meeting is about organising the big event, also known as the test. So the six clan leaders and the king gather on stage two, in order to prepare for the test."

"Wow, it must be beautiful up there in stage two sir."

"Of Course, Kai. And if you think that stage two is beautiful, wait until you see where the royal family lives."

"You mean the floating city, Pall."

"Yeah! It is the most beautiful place in the world. And if you win the test, you get the chance to leave this cursed place and live up there for the rest of your life."

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