Chapter 20: Preparation, part 1

388 35 10

Year 07 A.W




"Come on, Kai, put your weight into every attack."

Kai swung his sword, aiming to only hit Vin once so they could finish their training.

Vin dodged Kai's attack and maintained a safe distance from him.

Vin smirked at Kai and let go of the stone armor that had been wrapped around his body.

"Come get me; I don't need my powers to defend myself."

"You regret that, Vin."

Kai closed his eyes and concentrated on summoning his powers.

'I can do it one more time.'

The air around Kai took a form and enter his body and sword. Vin could feel the wind pressure from Kai and his deep blue eyes glowed.

Kai's wind pressure was so strong that it slashed Vin's arms and face.

'This kid has potential.'

Kai swung his sword without hesitation, and in the blink of an eye, he was behind Vin.

'So fast. He is now faster than the last time we fought.'

Kai's sword swung past Vin's face as he bent his entire upper body backward.

"That was a close one."

"I am not done yet."

Kai changed his grip and attacked Vin in mid-air for the second time.

"It's over now."

Vin put his two arms behind his back as he was falling, then used his arms to generate a boost from the ground before kicking Kai's sword into the air.

Vin finished by tackling Kai to the ground after he lost his balance.

Vin went up, and the sword landed on his hand, and then pointed at Kai.

"I won."

Kai punched the ground in frustration.

"Today I got so close to beating you."

Vin gave back the sword to Kai and helped him get up from the ground.'

"Maybe next time, kid."

"I promise you that next time I will be the one that will help you get up from the ground."

"Yeah... sure, I can't wait, but first you must learn on how to position yourself against an opponent."


"Your movements are too predictable, and you are wasting all of your powers by not putting them to good use."

"I do not know about you, but the wind attribute is really hard to use, let alone control it."

"Now that you mention it, how do you activate your powers and fuse it into the sword without a crystal inside your body?"

"I don't know yet."

"You have potential, Kai, and if you want to reach it, you must harness your power completely."

"Easier said than d..."

Before Kai could continue his sentence, he noticed something lurking behind a tree, with bloodthirsty yellow eyes looking at them and ready to attack.

Kai drew a dagger from his backpack, merged it with some of his wind power, and threw it at the creature lurking behind the tree before Vin could react.

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