Chapter 18: Change, part 3

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May stood on the other side of the door, appearing as though she hadn't slept all night, when Zeru went up to it and opened it.

"What is it?"

"Pika, the water clan leader, has summoned us."

"For what?"

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this."

"Aright. Let me just change quickly, and I'll meet you outside in a few minutes."

Zeru walked up to his weapons and combat gear.

'If this is what I think it is, then it must be related to what happened last night.'

'As much as I dislike it, I need to leave my weapons and combat gear at home so the water clan leader detects nothing.'

Zeru wore a black tracksuit and hid throwable small knives and a dagger beneath it.

'If things go wrong, this should at least help a little.'

Zeru went outside, and May and he proceeded straight to the water clan's headquarters.

As they entered the building, May and Zeru sensed the water clan's disapproval of them.

The guards and those inside clarified they were not welcome, muttering awful things about them behind their backs.

"This way, you two."

May and Zeru were pushed inside the room where Pika's office was by a guard.

"Hey. Watch it buddy, or this will not end well for you."

Zeru clenched his fists as he was about to attack the guard.

"That's enough."

Pika's voice echoed throughout the room, and Zeru calmed down, ready to hear what the water clan head had to say at a very early hour in the morning.

"You two were here one night, and there has already been an accident. Mind telling me who did it before I cut both of your heads off?"

"What are you talking about, sir?"

"Last night, two of my guards who were supposed to monitor you, as well as Rose, were murdered."

"WHAT? No..... Rose."

May could not hold back her grief and screamed.

"What makes you think we did it?"

"I know you and Rose had your differences, and I have all the right to suspect you."

"Sir, you can't hold us responsible for something we did not do."

"Your friend, May, was the last person Rose spoke with. Would you mind explaining that?"

May approached Pika.

"She promised me she would show me around the island.... she p... promised."

"From now on, you'll have to stay in your rooms until I solve this problem."

"What? We have to get ready for the finals."

"While you guys are training in the training hall within these headquarters, Fox, my most trustworthy soldier, will monitor you."

Fox approached Zeru and May, and he was built like a colossus.

His shoulders were broad, and he had a thick neck like a tree trunk. His muscle was visible through the armor.

"Let's go."

When Fox pushed Zeru away from Pika, the dagger hidden beneath Zeru's tracksuit fell to the ground.

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