Chapter 34: The Maze Of Truth, part 13

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The king and several of the clan leaders took a step back and covered their ears because of the ear shattering sound from the attack.

The stadium darkened as soon as the bullets fired from a distance made contact with the arena floor.

The entire arena went pitch black, chilly, and unpleasant.

The darkness was more widespread than ever; it wasn't just the darkness caused by a lack of light; it was much more ominous.

Before everything went pitch black, the commander of the royal guards, together with a handful of royal guards, ran into the king's aid and gathered around King Prime the Seventh and formed a barrier around him.

"Guards, don't allow anything to pass through the barrier. Keep it safe until our majesty gets to a safer location."

"Yes, commander."

The commander grabbed a stick from beneath his armor and snapped it, causing the stick to glow and function as a light source.

"Commander, we were able to secure the sword and the boy."

Kai tries to escape the royal guards, but fumbled due to a lack of power.

"Good job. Now, the safety of the king is our top priority."

The commander of the royal guards looked around as he considered how to ensure the safety of the king and prevent the enemy from escaping them.

'This must be the work of the enemy's allies.'

'But what good does this dark environment serve unless.....'

The commander shouted to the other members of the royal guards before throwing the glowing sticks.

"The enemy cannot be aware of our location. Lead the king to the closest exit. It should be a few hundred meters to your right."


"Commander, my son is out there somewhere. Bring him back to me right away."

The commander of the royal guards adjusted his helmet, drew his double-edged spear, and faced the king.

"I will bring him unharmed, my king."

The commander passed through the safe barrier, and the rest of the royal guards led the king to the nearest exit.

The commander pulled out another stick, split it in half, and looked around.

"Just as I thought, the darkness is fading away."

'The enemy must be here to pick up their own and vanish without a trace while this darkness surrounds us, but I will not allow it.'

The commander, without a fair in his eyes, sprinted straight ahead, unaware that someone had been watching over him and the king the entire time.


Agent 5 emerged from her hiding spot and took another quick look around the testing ground with her sniper scope before reporting back to Taro.

"Taro, come in."

Taro double clicked his earpiece before Agent 5 spoke again so that the rest of the team could hear what she had to say.

"What is Agent 5?"

"Things got worse than they were before."

"How bad is it?"

The royal guards led the king away, along with Kai and the sword, after the clan leaders were successful in capturing Void.

'No, Void, this cannot end here. You promised......'

Agent 5 checked her scope once more and noticed that the commander was closing in on the location where Void was being held by the other clan leaders.

"Taro, a man in blue armor wielding a double-edged spear, is closing in on the other clan leaders to assist them in securing Void."

"WHAT? This is bad."

Taro's sudden change in tone drew everyone's attention.

"Listen up everyone, forget about Kai and the sword; our number one priority now is to get Void out of there before the man in blue armor gets to him."

Everyone could suddenly hear Draven shout out loud through the earpiece.

"I knew Agent 5 could not do a single thing right, you should have let me handle those guys up there instead of her. We now have to change our plan and run like cowards."

Agent 5, who was hearing everything through the earpiece, clenched her fist and attempted to ignore Draven, but she failed.

"This is not the time, Draven."

"What should we do now?"

Taro was quiet for a while as he planned a strategy.

'This will blow my cover if I go and help, but......'

"Listen up, Draven; you and I will go up and retrieve Void."

"Archer will clear a path for you guys to escape through and out of this island."

"Agent 5 will provide us with support from above while also preparing to drive Void safely away from this island."

Agent 5 took a deep breath before responding quickly to Taro.

"All right, but what about the man in the blue armor?"

"Once we get to the top, I can take him out."

"We are not going up to start a fight, Draven, and besides, the commander of the royal guards is the man in the blue armor."

"The commander?"

"Yes, and you don't want to be in a battle with him right now because he is a highly skillful, intelligent, and dangerous man."

"I will take care of him without fighting him."

"All right, let's just go in, get Void, and then leave."

Draven entered the arena through the lower gates of the maze and worked his way up to Taro.

"Let's do this."

Taro and Draven both worked their way up, and while they were climbing the floors, Agent 5 began to shoot at the arena, making it difficult to find or see Taro and Draven approaching the top.

Taro and Draven both made their way up and got closer to the clan leaders, ready to strike.

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