Chapter 33: The Maze Of Truth, part 12

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Kai was running straight towards the tower, and as he got closer, he was filled with questions and doubts.

'This is it. The moment that will change everything.'

'But what if I'm not the right person for the sword?'

'Does that mean Vin and I will die here?'

As Kai climbed the stairs, he noticed Vin had little time before his powers ran out and he became defenseless against his enemies.

'I need to hurry.'

Kai ran all the way to the top without stopping, and he was standing above the sword.


Kai stood motionless, staring at the sword as his heart began to beat faster and faster.

'What if the sword rejects me and I've come all this way for nothing?'

Kai suddenly felt something within him that he had never felt before.

"This feeling......"

Kai reached out with his left hand, and the moment he touched Ancestors' rage, his deep blue eyes brightened.

Ancestors' rage glowed as Kai slowly pulled the sword from the tower, and it sent out a freezing strong breeze that drew everyone's attention.

As the sky became cloudier and darker, every movement became slower and slower until everyone stopped moving. Thunderbolts struck at random around and inside the arena as the wind became stronger.

Kai pulled out the sword and pointed it at the sky.

At that moment, he faintly noticed a few people standing in front of him, each of whom was surrounded by a bright aura.

'Who are these people?'

When Kai glanced at them, and they all met eyes, they immediately called out his name.

"Kai, the chosen one."

They vanished as soon as they uttered his name. Kai's eyes and the sword stopped glowing.

The sky cleared, and the chilly breeze and thunders faded away.

'What was that just now?'

Kai swung Ancestors' rage a few times, and despite never having come into contact with it before, it felt like he'd been fighting with it for a few hundred years.

'I feel like I'm connected to this sword, body and mind.'

Kai was surprised to discover that Ancestor's rage was as light as a feather, even though the sword appeared to be large, heavy, and old.

When Kai came in contact with the sword, it appeared as Ancestors' rage had been created right in front of him.

The handle of Ancestors' Rage was completely dark, and the blade itself was a medium-light cyan-blue color. The sword's edges were completely black as well.

'With this, I can finally help Vin.'

As Kai was about to come down from the tower, an enormous explosion occurred, causing one of the arena's massive gates to collapse, allowing the king and the clan leaders to emerge from the dust and smoke.

King prime the seventh waved his hand and gave the clan leaders their orders and they immediately took action.

"You now have your orders. Nobody is escaping here today."

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