Chapter 9: Phase two, part 2

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As soon as the test began, participants scattered out over the entire stage one. 

Soon after, Zeru followed, but May stopped him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Remove your hand."

"In case you forgot, we are a team."

"I can do this without you guys."

"The problem is not if you can do this or not. We have to work together if we want to win."

"Didn't you hear what the clan leaders just said? If we don't find a sphere before it runs out, we will fail." 

"What do you want to do then?"

"Our best option is that we split up and look for the sphere in different cities."

"Split up?"

"Yeah! There are no rules that say that we will be disqualified if we lose a member."

"What if we found a sphere and then got ambushed by the other participants?"

"Then you do not deserve to be here."

The only thing Kai could do was to only watch them argue, and it got terrible.

"I will look for the sphere in this city. May you go to your hometown and Kai....."

"You idiot. Who made you a team leader?"

"Kai and I will look for the sphere at the end of this city. Let's communicate through our band watch."

"Do what you want. I will not hold your hand. You are on your own."

"Remember, you jerk. You can't win this phase without us."

Zeru looked pissed before leaving May and Kai.

"What is his problem, and why didn't you say anything."

"I would only make the situation worse, trust me on that."

"The best thing to do now is that we find a sphere before he does and report back to him."

"Let's move."


Before the second phase began, they evacuated the civilians to safer places so that the participants could go all out.

With the help of the V clans' technology, everybody around the world could watch the test play out.

The commentator updates the audience on what's going on.

"Five hours have passed, good folks, and none have found a sphere yet."

"But some teams have joined forces. This is something to look forward to."

Kai and May suddenly froze immediately and took cover.

"What's going on, May?"

"That guy is a problem."

Kai looked at the man standing a few meters away from them. He looked older than Kai, but he was shorter than him.

"Why are you so afraid, May? Try to control your breathing."

"You don't understand Kai, our luck just ran out when we stumbled across that guy."

"Did I miss something?"

"His name is Vin, and he took out ten teams with his bare hands."


"What's worse is that none of them inflict a single scratch on him."

Suddenly, Vin raised his arm and broke a boulder near him with a single blow. In the boulder it was a pitch black sphere lying there.

The camera above Vin zooms in on his face.

"There you have it ladies and gentlemen, one of the most if not the most promising candidates in this year's test, have found the first sphere."

"Now he only needs to find his teammates."

Kai looked at the sphere and noticed that it wasn't as light as it looked.

Vin picked the sphere up and turned away. And that's when he started talking.

"I know you guys are hiding. Come out now before I come over to you guys."

Kai and May panic and decide to come out before something bad would happened.

But that's when a group of five people came out from the bushes.

"Alright, you saw us, so what? Give us that sphere and you would not get hurt."

Vin smirks at them.

"Oh, you want this sphere, come and get it."

One of them ran towards him at full speed, but Vin kicked him out, balanced and grabbed him by the head. Vin tightened his grip harder and harder.

"I give up.... I give up."

"What? The fun just began, you can't give up now."

Kai and May were not seen and were watching from a safe distance. Kai noticed Vin was wearing another watch other than his band watch.

The watch glowed, and suddenly Vin armoured up with an arm made of a stone.

He knocked out the guy who was in his grip and turned to the others.

"Who is next?"

"That's it, May. I know what that weapon is."

"What weapon?"

"The weapon that Vin is using. It's an epic-type weapon, and it's called the weapon S."

"What's so special about this weapon?"

"His watch allows him to armour up and control how thin or hard the armour can get with the help of the surrounding earth."

"That means that he has one of the best defences in the world."

The other guys that tried to ambush Vin ran away after they saw what happened to their companion.

Vin didn't give chase, instead removed the armour.

He took the sphere and collected all its points and then turned to where Kai and May were hiding.

May tried to hide more, but it was too late. Kai and Vin locked eyes with each other. They stared at each other for a moment, and that's when Vin threw the sphere at Kai.

"Keep it, it's a gift."

Vin turned his back on them and walked away slowly.

This shocked, of course, the entire world, when Vin gave away his sphere because nothing like these ever happened in the previous tests.

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