Chapter 32: The Maze Of Truth, part 11

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Hawk had finally made it to the top as Kai approached the tower, and he was not pleased.


When Hawk turned to look around the arena, he saw Zeru lying on the floor, struggling to maintain consciousness.

Hawk didn't pursue Kai as he walked toward the tower where Ancestor's rage was dormant, because his attention was on Vin and Void's bloody battle on the other side of the arena.

Hawk vanished in the blink of an eye, and the next thing you know, he's on the other side of the arena, where he immediately split Vin and Void apart and went after Vin himself.

'That was fast. How did he do that?'

'I can't fight these two monsters on my own.'

While Vin was thinking quietly to himself, Hawk was having a great time toying with Vin.

"Come on, is this all you've got, you worthless intruder?"

"This isn't even worth a warm-up before I go after the other one."

"As Vin was being pummeled all over by Hawk's punches, Void appeared out of nowhere and began attacking Hawk."

'This is my chance to bring him down.'

Vin counterattacked with his own attacks and joined forces with Void to defeat Hawk.

Despite their efforts, neither of them was able to land a single hit on Hawk. Instead, he was laughing and smiling about how weak they were.

Vin noticed something was wrong with Void when he turned to look at him.

'Who is this person?'

Despite appearing to be a powerful and dangerous man, his attacks are very predictable.

Vin looked in Kai's direction and saw that Kai had made it up to the tower and was almost there.

'Come on Kai. You're almost there.'

'I have to get rid of these guys and join him as soon as possible.'

Vin created a protective shield around himself as soon as he activated his stone armor.

"So you've finally taken things seriously?"

Even though Vin was protected by a barrier, he could still feel the surrounding air becoming more aggressive and dense, and the wind pressure around Hawk was destroying everything in his surroundings.

Void, who was closest to Hawk, did not try to avoid or defend against Hawk's attack. Instead, he stood there unfazed.

That caught Hawk's attention, and he was immediately offended.

"In my life, I never would have imagined that someone would approach me while I was using my powers, even though I'm only using a very small pro....."

Before Hawk could complete his sentence, Void jumped forward and delivered a clean punch that sent him flying into the tower and caused the tower to become unstable.

Void walked over to where Hawk was lying and stood over him. Hawk was enraged and very pissed off.

Hawk looked up and saw that Void was bleeding badly. His body armor had been damaged, his cape had been ripped apart, and half of his mask had been destroyed, exposing half of his face to the world.

Some of Void's hair was visible, and he had an orange-red hair undercut that, when combined with his slicked-back hair, created the stunning slicked back undercut look.

Hawk looked Void in the eye and immediately noticed that Void had been unconscious the entire time they were fighting, and his body was moving on its own like a mindless zombie.

"How is this even possible?"

Hawk stood up and removed his royal cape, revealing the body armor he wore beneath it. He pulled out Eclipse and immediately fused some of his powers into it.

"I'm done playing games. Let's end this."

While all of this was going on, the king was keeping a close eye on the situation.

"Your Majesty, we are prepared. All you have to do is say the word, and we'll stop this."

"Not yet. Wait a little longer."

The king's attention was drawn to the tower, while the clan leaders waited for the king's orders to take control of the arena.





Taro looked around and immediately went up to his feet, ready to pursue Void.

Taro saw the damage Void had done before he left him for dead.

Taro looked down at his chest and saw that he was bleeding, but it wasn't as bad as he had feared.

'A few inches higher and it would mean an instant dead.'

'I need to find him before he sabotages the mission.'

May entered the room just as Taro was about to leave, and they exchanged glances.

"hey you, hand over that weapon you're holding."

May's hands were trembling because of Taro's bloodlust.

'What does he intend to do with Zeru's weapon? Isn't he a member of the royal guard?'

The maze began to rotate, and May took advantage of the opportunity by jumping over a bolder and escaping to the other room.

"That was a close...."

May felt something pushing her up against the wall from behind, and she began to choke as a result of the pressure.

She turned around to see Taro standing next to her.

He took the weapon from her, then grabbed her jacket and slammed her to the ground.

"Be thankful that I spared your life."

May was lying on the ground, gasping for air, when Taro blew a hole in the wall and then escaped through it.

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