Chapter 13: A lasting night

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Kai picked up the sphere from the ground and looked at his teammates with joy on his face.

"Let's touch the sphere together before the enemy realises what we did here."

"I don't believe this."

"Explain yourself, Kai."

"Remember the rock you gave me, May? I painted it in black."

"You..... WHAT?"

"When I first saw Alice down at the waterfall, I immediately recognized her because she is a famous graffiti artist from Buur city."

"This doesn't explain how you came up with the plan."

"When I first got the sphere from Vin, I noticed it was quite heavy considering how small it was."

Kai throws the sphere to May.

"Ow..... Wow, this thing is heavy now that you mentioned it. I didn't notice because of all the stress that's building up till now."

"My primary target was Alice's bag because that's where she had the sphere and her spray cans."

Zeru grabbed Kai by the t-shirt and screamed at his face.

"Why didn't you tell us the entire plan?"

Kai pushed away Zeru's hand aggressively and glared at him.

"Everyone had their own part in the plan, and mine was to secure the sphere."

"You used us like decoys, so you could play the big hero and save the team."

"This is not about me, and if it wasn't for you guys, this plan would have failed."

May separated them and then turned to Zeru.

"Why are you so angry? Don't you see we won."

"I don't call this a win."

"What do you call this, then?"

"You did not fight for that sphere. Instead, the enemy felt sorry for you and gave it away."


"That's what an outcast would do. I am from a superior clan and people will talk about the way I got the sphere."

"You jerk. Do you know how much Kai and I went through just to stand here today."

"I told you before, if you are weak, you don't belong here."

"You selfless bastard. You are......"

"Enough both of you, don't you see that the entire world is watching us."

Kai put his hand on the sphere.

"Let's get this over with."

May put her hand on the sphere, and they both waited for Zeru.

The entire world was as silent as the dead, and they eagerly waited on what Zeru would do.

"Come on Zeru. I know we have our differences but this is our only chance to see the outside world."

Slowly, Zeru lifted his hand and put it on the sphere.

"What a spectacular event this year's test has turned into."

The commentator's voice caught everyone's attention.

"Congratulations to everyone who moved to the finals."

"Tomorrow night, the elite guards will transport all the participants to stage two."

"Until that time arrives, go drink your hearts out and celebrate your victory."

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