Chapter 8: Phase two, part 1

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The day has finally arrived for the second phase to begin.

Every participant's intention is to win this phase and move on to stage two.

Everybody tries to prove and show off because the entire world is going to watch phase two and the finials.

If a participant is shown to interest some certain powerful individuals, those people have rights to take you as a soldier, fighter or whatever they desire.

This world was once a supercontinent and a home to many life forms.

Back then, the only rule was that the strongest would survive, while the weak would perish.

Many species died, and many developed unique ways to survive or be at the top of the food chain.

One good example is the human species.

Human species developed way ahead of other species in the world.

The human ability to do things in several steps, and the ability to transfer accumulated knowledge from generation to generation, made them very dangerous.

The human species developed quickly and reproduced exponentially and spread around the world.

They became the most common type of species in the world.

They learn how to hunt, take control over a territory, and build shelters.

They kept growing and the other species was dying slowly.

The species that was still alive gathered on an island and adapted to its environment.

The human species became the dominant force in the world, and they turned on each other.

Some humans became criminals, thieves, and those who have power over others' lives.

This event took place between the years 0-900 before the great clan war (B.W), but everything changed when a girl who was destined for greatness got born into the world.

The name of that girl was Arina and also known as the mother of all crystals.

She was the first human who got contact with the four guardians of the world and also got the four original element crystals inside her body.

Her aim was to unite all the species and bring balance to the world. Despite all of her effort, Arina failed to reunite all the species.

Instead, she moved her home city up in the air, away from all danger, with the help of her newfound powers.

She declared that only those with a good heart would live in her city and that city is later known as Pall city.

After the separation, the entire world fell apart long after her death and the human species began with clans and territories.

This led to more conflict among them, and it ended with all out civil war with each other.

The great clan war began in the year 1808 (B.W) and ended in the year 1818(B.W).

The wind clan was the superior and the rulers of the world after the war.

They restarted the timeline to year 0 (A.W), after the war.

The damage that the war and the wind clan left was severe and stage one became an unpleasant place to live in.

Stage one is under the dead sea, and the people who live there have never seen the real world.

The system created by the V clan adjusts artificial weather, so that the people down in stage one never have to leave that place.

The only way for them to leave is to win the test. That's why people will do anything in order to win.


May was standing alone outside the arena when she noticed Kai walking towards her.

"Hello, Kai."

"Hi, May."

"Why is Zeru not with you?"

"He was not home when I woke up this morning, so I thought he left for the arena."

"Has something happened between you two?"

" Don't worry, nothing happened between us. Zeru is just frustrated with how things play out in the first phase."

The arena got crowded, and the time was almost here for the second phase to begin.

"Where is Zeru? The test will start any minute now."

"I will look for him, May. Don't go anywhere."

"Don't waste your breath, I am here now."

Zeru surprised Kai and May, when he appeared behind them suddenly. He was not looking that energetic.

Instead, he was covered in sweat, dirt and was wearing torn out clothes.

"Zeru, what happened to you?"

"Nothing happened, so let's just focus on the test."

The entire arena went quiet when the clan leaders arrived, and the participants wondered what the next phase would be.

The clan leaders start to explain what the second phase was about.

"Ladies and gentleman, Welcome to the next phase of this year's test."

"In this phase the arena will be the entire stage one."

Suddenly, participants in the crowd shouted.

"What do you mean the entire stage one?"

"How are you going to monitor us?"

"Does that mean that some participants are going to get home field advantage?"

"Let us explain this, so listen carefully."

"As we said before, the entire stage one will be the arena."

"And yes, some participants will have home field advantages."

"That's why teamwork will play a big role in order to succeed."

"Everything you do will be broadcast and every time a team wins, we will notify you guys."

"In order to secure a position you must find one black sphere that's somewhere in stage one."

"There are 10 black Spheres and that means only 10 teams will move on."

"Every Sphere contains 9999 points, and every teammate gets 3333 points each. If you find a Sphere first, you can absorb the points, there's no rule saying you can't."

"To find the sphere, we installed a reader in your band watches that can find it."

"The reader will not tell you exactly where the sphere is, instead it will only notify you when you are in the area."

"In order to win, all the members in the team must touch the sphere simultaneously."

"Every team will also have a number, and will hear it when your team finds a Sphere and win."

"The rules are the same. The participants are not allowed to kill each other, but can use whatever method necessary in order to upper hand your opponents."

"Let the second phase begin now."

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