Chapter 2: Third Member

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The meeting room was quite large, with high ceilings and enormous windows.

The sets resembled a soft version of a long stone throne, and were placed such as a circle of pillars.

The king's throne was a lot bigger and higher-up than the other clan leaders.

King Prime the seventh was the one who would speak first and then the clan leaders.

"The time has finally come to hold yet another test."

The fire clan leader spoke first.

"Yes, my king. But this year participants have exceeded drastically from the last time."

"If that is the case, change the first phase into two parts then."

"What do you mean my king?"

"If a team loses a single member, they will be disqualified immediately."


"My king. What do you mean by that?"

"A low-life will be a low-life. It doesn't matter who it is."

Suddenly the vice leader from the magma clan spoke out of term;

"But do you know how many people work hard for this opportunity?"

"SILENCE. How dare you question my decision when you are not even a clan leader?"

"S.. sorry, my king. I didn't mean to overstep your decision. I am here on behalf of my older sister. A unknown magma user hurt her pretty badly a few days ago and she is in a cryogenic state right now."

"I thought that only one family was left, in the magma clan after the great clan war."

"You are right, my king. The person who did it is a magma user but, he was not from the surviving family and was not showing up in our data. Worst of all, he stole the legendary war axes, the Earth dividers."

"Fighting among themself. What do you think would happen if the lowborn roam freely in this world? Let me answer that for you; the world would be unbalanced."

All the clan leaders could not speak freely. Instead, they were to listen and obey only.

"I decided that only ten teams will go to the finals on stage two. You three clan leaders in stage one, handle that."



"Zeru, can we go to the arena and find our third member?"

"Alright then."

They went to the biggest arena in Von city, and that is also where the test will occur.

The arena was built centuries ago, so it looks like an old colosseum but, when you step inside it, you will feel like a gladiator.

You can duel with anyone in the arena, and the winner takes home all of the bet points placed on the fighter by the audience.

The points are transferred directly to the winner's band watch. Every person in this world gets a band watch when their powers awaken.

The band watch holds the information that says their name, which crystal powers they have, and their points.

"Hi. it is you again, fireboy."

"My name is not fireboy. It is Zeru."

"I am just messing with you. Everybody in this city knows who you are."

"of course they do. This city's clan leader is my grandfather after all."

The girl approached Zeru and gave him a quick smile.

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