Chapter 12: Phase two, Conclusion

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Zeru accidentally found his team in a small forest that's between Von and Buur city.

The entire forest is up in a mountain chain and a waterfall runs through it, which is connected to the river in Kai's hometown.

Zeru went to the forest to recover and heal from the battle with team 9, but as time passed more, people came into the forest.

As much as he hates to admit, Zeru didn't have enough strength to even fight one person, and the best option for him was to hide.

But that's when he saw Kai and May a few steps away from him. Zeru also noticed a team trying to ambush Kai and May from behind.

The enemy launched a combo attack and with no hesitation, Zeru ran towards his team and pushed them out of the way, resulting in them falling from a cliff into the waterfall.


Zeru's team swam away safely, and the enemy was nowhere to be found.

"Cough..... Cough..... Cough."

"What the hell, Zeru?"

"You idiots! Why are you walking around carelessly in a dangerous place like this?"

"Dangerous place? What are you talking about, Zeru?"

"Didn't you hear what the commentator said earlier?"

"We came to the forest because it seemed the safest place at the moment because we had the last sphere with us."

"Wait, you guys have the last sphere? That explains everything, on why the remaining participants all came to the forest."

Kai and Zeru just had their longest conversation ever since the test began. But they got interrupted by May's scream.

"Guys, t..t.. the sphere is missing."


"I must have lost the sphere when we were falling down."

But that's when Kai saw the sphere drifting away on the water, and it was too late to react because the enemy who was attacking them picked up the sphere.

There were two members from team 10 and one of them was a famous graffiti artist.

"Look John, it must be our lucky day."

"Let's report back to the boss, Alice."

Zeru and Kai froze and didn't know what to do as Alice and John ran deeper into the forest.

"Guys, snap out of it. We must take back our sphere before it's too late."

But May knew that with Zeru's injuries, they would never catch up to team 10 and retrieve the sphere.

"I have a plan and it will work if only Zeru wants to cooperate."

Kai could not keep his feelings in check, and May noticed he was shaking the entire time.

"What is your plan, Kai?"

"I used to play in this forest when I was a kid and I know every path."

"How is that going to help us?"

"May, I want you to find me a round rock."

"For what."

"I will explain it on the way."

"Zeru, when I gave you the signal, start blasting your surroundings and make some kinda dust cover for us."

"Why are you giving me orders?"

"Listen, I don't know what got into you ever since this whole thing started, but now is the time to work together and take back the last sphere before the enemy reaches its teammate."

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