Chapter 23: The Maze Of Truth, part 2

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Somewhere in the deserts of Prov Island, a few hours before the finals.....

Draven and Archer walked slowly and repeatedly tried to hydrate themselves as they approached the place that Void had given them before they left on their mission.

The sun was at its highest, and it was scorching hot, making travel through the desert at this hour impossible.

"Are we there yet?"

"Shut up and just walk."

"Are we there yet?"

"If I hear your voice one more time, I promise you lose that tongue of yours."

"Yeah.... yeah.... but seriously, are we there yet?"

"God dammit Draven."

They spotted an old temple in the middle of the desert, with several people standing outside the temple gates while they were arguing with each other.

Draven collapsed in the shadow area and poured the remaining water over his head after seeing Void and the others.

"Ahh. That's refreshing."

"Let's get inside the temple."

Void slowly walked towards the temple gate.

"Hi magma boy, what is up with him?"

"You jerk, I have a name, and it's your fault he's in a bad mood."

"Me? I did nothing wrong. I just got here."

When the pillars entered, they realized why Taro had sent them to a temple in the middle of nowhere.

During the Great Clan War, the old temple served as a base for the earth clan.

Although all the bases surrounding the temple had been demolished, the temple itself was in relatively decent condition, thanks to the stone material used in its construction, which is unique to the earth clan.

When they entered the temple, they instantly noticed that it was much cooler and more refreshing inside than it was outside, and they inhaled the cold, fresh air.

The walls and ceilings of the temple were covered in various artworks. The picture depicted the four world guardians, as well as the world's and earth clan's history.

The size and colors were spot on, and as a result, the paintings followed a pattern that allowed people to understand what they meant just by glancing at them once.

Draven went to the temple's center, where it was the coldest, and tried to take a nap.

But before he could fall asleep, Void appeared next to him, and the rest of the squad gathered around him.

"Can't a guy sleep peacefully in this place?"

Void threw his hooded cape behind him and removed his mask. His bloodlust was visible in his eyes, and everyone in the room could sense it.

"Mission report."

"Eh... eh. I think you should take this one, Archer."

'You idiot, don't say my name.'

"Ahem.... ahem. Sir, we didn't retrieve the target."

"How come you guys didn't retrieve him?"

"We got into a big fight in fire clan territory, and there were too many of the king's elite guard there, so we didn't hold back, and we killed many people."

"It makes no difference how many people you've killed. Me not seeing Kai with you concerns me."

"Sir, he was one of the people who was killed because of my attack."

Void's eyes grew larger, and veins sprouted all over his body, and he went straight for Archer's neck.

He grabbed his neck and slammed him down.

"Do you know what you guys just lost?"

"RELEASE him, Void."

Void turned around and realized what he had done.

Archer was released right away. Void cried, and he apologized to him.

"I apologize, Archer, for not being able to control my emotions. It will not happen again. I seek forgiveness if you can find it in your heart."

Archer went up to his feet and grabbed Void by the bodysuit armor he was wearing.

"What's the matter with you, boss?" Why are you so fixated on someone who is an outcast?"

"You don't get it, Archer; that outcast is the key to everything, and we've just lost our only hope."

"There is an alternative, but we'll have to wait a long time for the next person in line after Kai."

"What do you mean by that?"

"In the meantime, we must reclaim the two legendary weapons that remain."

"You know what that means, right, Void?"

"Yeah, and we came prepared."

Agent 5 walked to the temple's basement floor and returned with two massive bags.

"Suit up. We got a job to do."

Everyone changed into bodysuit armor that fit their powers and reduced enemy attacks, then put on their masks and the short cape hoods they normally wore.

The mask is pitch black and completely covers their face and some of their head.

When they put on the mask, an A.I system built inside the mask allows them to view everything in full display right away. The glowing red digital eyes are the only feature visible outside of the mask.

"All right, now pay attention. Our mission is to recover the two legendary weapons that are still missing."

"The arena will be highly protected, according to Taro's intel, which means this mission could become deadly."

"What's the plan, then?"

"When we enter the arena, Agent 5 will protect us from the air, and you three should keep the bodysuit armor on and remove the mask."

"What about our weapons?"

"There are only a few entries, so throw the third one; a man who works with us will guard it."

"What will you do?"

'I'll go for the brat who wields the weapon of the fire clan. HE'S MINE."

"As soon as you receive the signal, enter the maze, retrieve the Ancestors' rage, and then retreat."

"You have your orders."

"Let's go......." 

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