Chapter 6: Rejected

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After the announcement, the audience cleared out from the arena. 

The world has just witnessed something beyond the bounds of possibility, and people wanted to see more from Kai and his team.

"Let go of me. I can stand on my own, Kai."

"Are you sure you got overpowered and got injured?"

"I am not weak like.... Huh, I can stand on my own."

"If you say so."

Kai could really feel how frustrated Zeru was because he wanted to shine and show everybody who he was.

But the moment got ruined for him and, worst of all, he got saved by a person who is an outcast.

Although Zeru was frustrated and angry about the situation, May was suddenly very talkative towards Kai and was happy that they won phase one and moved on.

"No offence but, who would have thought that you would save the team."

"I am as surprised as you guys. I don't know how I did it, the power just came to me when I needed it the most."

"And on top of all that you got the wind attribute, the most powerful attribute in the world."

Zeru was looking at Kai with intense eyes the whole time before interrupting May.

"The only question you should ask him is, how is it possible for him to use an element attribute without a crystal on his chest?"

"Maybe he is a member of the wind clan and can use his power without a crystal."

"Hahaha. Kai, a member of the wind clan? Let me tell you something: Kai was living in Buur city before we took him in to our clan. He never left stage one in his whole life."

Kai was confused, since he never saw Zeru talk or act like that. It was like he was a whole new person.

'I should not tell anybody about the vision that I saw a while ago until I am sure of what it was.'

While Kai was thinking to himself, Zeru was heading out.

"Tell grandfather I will come home late tonight."

After that, Zeru disappeared. Kai and May talked over where they should meet up before the second phase began and soon after she left Kai.

Kai was standing alone in the arena, thinking about how his path would look now that he had powers.


Zeru was walking alongside a road near his house, trying to avoid people as much as possible.

But the city was lively as ever and people were having drinks and dancing outside. They were having their best moment.

Zeru turned into a silent area, away from all the noise and disturbance.

"You can come out now."

"Very well then, you got me."

"Why are you following me around?"

"It takes skill to notice my presence and you notice it that easily. You are really living up to your reputation around here."

The man was in the dark and was wearing a long black cloak. It was hard to see his face because of the big hood that was covering his entire face.

"I am not in a good mood, so for your own sake leave me alone."

"Ay.... Take it easy with the threat. I can leave right now but know this, I have all the answers you are looking for."

"What do you mean?"

"I am a person who has eyes and ears everywhere in this world."

Zeru didn't know what to say or believe since he never encountered a situation like this.

"I am sure you have a lot of questions, especially about what happened in the arena today."

"How did...?"

"I saw the match with my own eyes and I could not believe what I was seeing today."

"Kai lived his whole life without powers and suddenly he can use them and the worst of all is that it had to be the wind attribute."

"You didn't want him to get powers."

"Any power would be fine, but not the wind attribute. I hate the wind clan with every cell in my body."

"HAHAHA.... Is that so? Let me tell you something, I don't really know about the situation yet but one thing is for sure, the boy has a connection with the wind clan."

Zeru could not believe what he was hearing. Ever since he saw Kai use his newfound power, he refuses to believe that Kai had any connection with the wind clan.

"What do you mean by connection?"

The man was long gone and Zeru was standing alone in the dark.


Kai entered his home when he got welcomed home by none other than the fire clan himself.

"What an outstanding performance you did out there today, Kai."

"Thank you, sir. It means alot to me coming from you."

"With your newfound power, the team will have more chances to win the test and get the ultimate prize."

"I will do my best."

Kai was finally happy that everybody around him relied on him instead of him being a dead weight.

But the only person Kai wanted to be happy for him was angry and frustrated that he got powers.

"Focus and win this now, Kai. We will celebrate big after that."

"Yes sir, count on me."

Before Kai would say another word, Zeru entered the house, and he was not looking cheerful at all.

"Welcome home, Zeru."


He didn't even respond to Kai, instead started a conversation with his grandfather.

"I am sorry that I let you down. It will not happen again."

"It better not. You embarrassed us fire clan today. Good thing Kai was there."


Zeru went up to his room, and before he went in, Kai confronted him.

"Cheer up Zeru, we got this, you and I."

"You and I, you said."

Zeru turned towards Kai and his eyes were glowing with rage and anger.

"Remember this, you will always be weaker than me whether you have powers or not."

Zeru went into his room and Kai was standing outside, feeling tearful and regretful. 

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