Chapter 5: Phase one, Conclusion

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Although Kai was acting brave in front of everyone, he was terrified, and didn't know how this would play out. 

His grip on the sword made his hand bleed, and he was sweating a lot.

The one Kai took down didn't have crystal powers, but his comrades had powers, and they surrounded him and wanted to take him out together.

One of them was using a water attribute merged with two chain whips.

He swung his weapon and then caught Kai's hands. Kai dropped his sword and became defenceless against his opponents.

The remaining opponents could use fire and earth attributes and they merged their powers with gauntlet gloves made of iron and stone.

They pounded Kai in every way possible, and the attacks were heavier than the one before.



Kai was spitting some serious blood, and he was panting.

'This does not look good. I can feel that my consciousness is disappearing, and I don't know how many attacks I can withstand.'

"Is everybody in the arena seeing this? The poor boy is going to die if they don't stop attacking."

The one holding Kai's arms realised him suddenly, and before he could hit on the ground, the other two gave him the final blow on his face.

"Is this over for him? Is this over for the future flames team?"

Everything went completely quiet and the last thing Kai could hear was the commentator's voice before everything went dark.....


Kai woke up again while gasping for air.

Gasp..... Gasp!

'Where..... where am I?'

Kai wasn't in the arena anymore. Instead, he was standing in a place that felt like there was no end to it.

The fog made it harder to see, but Kai noticed he was standing on a pillar mountain and it terrified him. He didn't know where this place was and how he ended up on top of a mountain.

"So you woke up, the chosen one."

A chill ran down on Kai's spine when he heard that voice.

'I know that voice.'

Kai looked around, trying to find where the voice was coming from.

He suddenly froze when he locked eyes with the thing that was talking to him.

The only thing he could see were black-silver eyes glaring at him from the shadows.

"Who... who are you?"

"All you need to know right now is that I am one of the four guardians in this world."

'Did I die from my injuries and end up here? Nothing made sense.'

"You are not dead Kai, your body is just unconscious in real time. I called your spirit to this part of your mind so that you and I could finally talk."

"What? How could you hear my thoughts?"

"You and I are like one. Right now we are inside your mind."

"This is so much to take in at once."

"Tell me one thing, Kai. What do you desire in life?"

The question echoed in his head for a few seconds after, thousands of answers popped up in his head.

But only one answer was shining above all of them.

"What I desire in life is, to one day see this world united as one."

"Is this your answer?"


The thing moved towards Kai. And that's when he saw some sort of feather wings, big as a house.

"I grant you my powers, the chosen one."

As Kai tried to move away, he fell down from the mountain he was on.

The next thing he knew, he woke up in the arena again and he could hear the commentator's voice.


"Kai can not continue to fight and that means, team Zeru is dis....."

"Hey... who said we would give up so easily?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can't believe this. Kai is standing on his feet. I repeat, Kai is standing on his feet."

Although the crowd was booing at him earlier, they stood up and cheered him up now.

"You can do it."

"Let's go."

Kai immediately searched for his teammates and tried to regroup with them because the test was about to end at any minute now.

"Kai, over here."

"May, good to see you again."

"You did an excellent job, Kai."

"We will talk later, but now we must find Zeru first."

"He is over there."

While Kai and May were running towards Zeru, they noticed he hit his limits and was surrounded by opponents.

They were about to hit him simultaneously, and the only person who could help him was May.

But she already hit her limit as well and was only relying on her martial arts.

'If they hit Zeru, it is over for us all. I have to do something.'

With his determination and the need to help his closest friend, Kai swung his sword and a powerful gust of wind flew from his sword, hitting the ones who were standing around Zeru and cracked the entire arena.


"What is going on here? The powerless boy can use the wind attribute."

No one has ever seen someone use the wind attribute in all the tests that occurred before and the reason is that a member from the wind clan didn't take part in the events.

The world had witnessed something impossible, an outcast wielding the wind attribute.

"Zeru, are you ok?"

"What did you do, Kai?"

"I am not sure myself to be honest."

"There you have it, folks. The winners will move on to the next phase of the test, which is happening in two days. More information about the next phase will come on the day it begins."

Kai helped Zeru up and tried to look away from the audience. But the whole arena saw what happened and they couldn't help shouting out his name.


But one person did not give a single reaction instead glared at Kai viciously.

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