Chapter 35: The Maze Of Truth, part 14

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Taro took out a stick and broke it in half, and it glowed.

Draven vanished into the shadows after Taro gave him a few signals.

Taro looked at the stick and immediately noticed something.

'From the way the stick is glowing brightly, Agent 5 must be running low on ammunition.'

Before Taro could react, a figure as tall as a mountain appeared in front of him, and he immediately recognized who he was.

Taro stepped back and then lowered his head.


The commander looked at Taro and remained silent for a moment.

"Where is the young prince?"

"When everything went down, we got separated, and now I'm on my way to find the young prince."

The commander continued to stare at Taro before giving a quick nod.

"Show me the way."

"This way, sir."

Taro made a right turn, and they ran in the opposite direction from where Void was being held.

'That's right, keep following me.'

Taro led the commander in the wrong direction, allowing Draven and the rest of the pillars to flee off Prov Island.

'Don't screw this up, Draven.'


Since the arena went dark, the clan leaders had been on high alert.

The fire clan leader took out a small knife from beneath his traditional fire clan combat armor and focused his powers in the knife, which lit up nearly half of the arena.

"Much better."

When the fire clan leader turned to face the other clan leaders, Draven appeared from the shadows, swung his daggers, and went for the kill, but the fire clan leader was quick enough to avoid his attack.

But the fire clan leader was unprepared for Agent 5, who had been waiting for her chance.

As soon as she saw the fire clan leader dodge Draven's attack, she aimed her bullet at his kneecaps, which had less armor around them.

When the bullet pierced one of the fire clan leaders' kneecap, he collapsed to the ground in pain and agony.

The commander heard the gunshot and turned around to see the fire clan leader's glowing knife and the fire clan leader falling to the ground.


Taro stopped as he noticed the commander was not pleased.

"Guard, where exactly were you planning on taking me? The enemy is on the other side."

"I apologize, sir; I was following a sound coming from this direction before I met you."

The commander turned around and ran straight to where the fire clan leader was lying.

Taro sprinted after the commander without hesitation.

Meanwhile, Pika drew his weapon and pursued Draven instead of assisting Arthur and the magma vice clan leader in their capture of Void and Vin.

Vin looked around, wanting to take advantage of the situation and flee, but he couldn't since he hadn't regained his strength and the magma vice clan leader was holding him down.

Pika fused his powers with two metal knuckles, causing water bubbles to form around the knuckles and turning the knuckles into a very dangerous weapon.

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