Chapter 31: The Maze Of Truth, part 10

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The moment they were close to the top of the maze, both Kai and Vin slowed down.

When Kai and Vin reached the top, they were immediately blended by the sunlight, and everything was blurry; it took some time for their eyes to adjust to the light outside.

The arena at the top was deserted when Kai and Vin turned to look around.

"There it is, Kai, the sword, and it appears that we arrived first."

Kai looked at the sword and saw that almost the entire sword was stuck inside the tower in the center of the arena, with only the sword handle visible.

"How am I going to get that sword out of that tower? It appears to be impossible."

"It is impossible for almost everyone else in this world, but only a few selected people can wield Ancestor's rage, and you are one of them."

"How do you know that, Vin?"

"I sense something special about you, kid."

"I hope you're right, or we've all just walked into our funeral."

Kai and Vin both went straight for the sword, and while they were running, Vin noticed something was wrong.

Vin looked around, and the arena was still empty, with no one bothering to follow them.

'How come we didn't see anyone on our way here?'

'Shouldn't the maze be the safest place right now?'

Vin looked around and noticed that the king and his family, as well as all the clan leaders, were no longer present.

'The king is up to something big. I hope Kai can get the sword out or......'

Vin heard a blast from behind him, and the arena was half-destroyed, with Void emerging from the dust, holding Zeru by the neck while he was bleeding and coughing up a lot of blood.

Void threw Zeru aside and then rampaged through the arena like a crazy person. He was destroying the walls and the floor and did not know what he was doing, like a mindless beast.

"Kai, we have a problem."





Kai noticed Vin screaming his name as he looked at him.

"This is not the time to freeze up, Kai. You go up there and get that sword so we can get the hell out of here."


"In the meantime, I'll try to keep that man over there at bay."


While his eyes were filled with tears, Kai pointed at Zeru.

"Z... Ze... Zeru needs my help. I must help my friend."

"Listen to me, Kai; forget about him for the time being. I'm sure someone is on their way to treat him right now, but if we waste this precious time, you'll kill us both here."


"This is what's best at the mo..."

Suddenly, Kai ran in the opposite direction, towards Zeru.


"I'm sorry, Vin, but I have to help him."

As Vin was about to run up to the top of the tower, Void landed next to him and punched him in the gut, causing Vin to fly to the other side and slam into the wall, losing his breath.

Void then begins walking slowly toward Vin.


Kai ran faster and faster, never looking back at Vin or at how he was doing. Kai's only thought was of Zeru.

'What happened to Zeru?'

'How did he end up like that?'

'Why would someone want to hurt you that badly?'

'Should I ask him what happened back then?'

As Kai got closer to Zeru, the questions in his head grew louder.

Kai eventually made it to Zeru, and from where he stood above him, he could see that Zeru was in excruciating pain, that his body had been severely injured, and that it was nearly purple from head to toe.

'That color it looks pretty bad; Zeru must have been poisoned.'

'I have to do something before he dies.'

Kai reached out with his bandaged left arm to help Zeru up, and as he did so, Zeru opened his eyes and looked directly into Kai's eyes.

Everything came to a halt as they both stared into each other's eyes, and Kai couldn't hear anything going on around him because he was focused on what Zeru had to say to him.

"K.. Ka... Kai, how can you still be alive?"

The words that came from Zeru's mouth cut Kai deep inside, and it felt like something died inside of him.

"We haven't spoken in over a year, and this is the first thing you say to me."


"Can I ask you a question?"


"Was it you who pushed me off the sphere on our way to Waena Island?"

Zeru did not respond. Instead, he turned away from Kai because he lacked the courage to look him in the eyes.

"Agh... I see. Vin was right about you."

Kai turned away, trying to hide his emotions as he released Zeru.

"For over a year, all I could think about was the day we'd finally meet again, and you'd tell me what happened back in Von City was an accident."


"Can I ask you something, Zeru?"

"What do you want to ask me?"

"Why did you do it?"

"Why, you ask? Because of what they did to my family, I despise every single member of the Wind Clan. I will never forgive them, or you."

"I see. What we went through together means nothing to you?"

Zeru looked Kai in the eyes and smiled in a hateful way. 

"You are a member of the wind clan, and what we went through together doesn't mean a shit to me anymore, and what I did back in Von city, I regret nothing."

"Heh... I see. All we've been through together, the friendship and brotherhood you and I have built over the course of our lives no longer means anything to you simply because I come from a different clan."

"Yes, and that is the harsh reality of this world."

After Zeru spoke, there was a period of silence before Kai began to remove the bandage from his left arm, revealing the permanent chain marks all over his arm.

Kai turned to face Zeru, then extended his arm.

"This is what you did to me, and it will always serve as a reminder to me for the rest of my life that today's friend can be tomorrow's enemy."

Kai began to slowly walk away from Zeru, heading straight for Ancestor's rage at the top of the tower.

Hawk had finally made it to the top as Kai approached the tower, and he was not pleased.

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