Chapter 38: Irregular, part 3

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5 hours later..........

Thomas sat behind his work desk, fully committed and focused on reading the old record files from the previous AC project.

The files were scattered all over the place, and Thomas read through them one after another as the cooling system inside his office operated at full capacity, making the air noticeably cooler than outside.

Thomas' office featured unique and amazing artwork on the walls, with big and wide windows that allowed for plenty of natural light, brightening up the room.

While fully immersed in his reading, Thomas's work desk lit up, and he received a call from the science team.

Thomas immediately jumped up from his chair, causing it to fall backward, and instantly answered.


"Sir, the boy has finally regained consciousness, and we will take him out of the healing tank in a moment."

"Excellent work, science team. I will be down there in a minute."

"Yes, sir."

The desk screen turned off, and Thomas saw his reflection, smiling.

'Finally, we can begin the next phase.'

Thomas pushed back his hair in place, entered the elevator, went straight down, and a minute later arrived inside the secret lab.

The science team emptied the healing tank of the water inside and then removed the oxygen mask from Zeru's face.

Zeru opened his scarlet eyes and started looking around.

He was still on the floor, completely naked, trying to figure out what was going on.

'What is this place, and why can't I remember how I got here?'

Thomas walked towards Zeru, and they locked eyes with each other.

'Isn't that the V clan leader?'

"Can someone please give this boy some clothes and food? We have a lot to talk about."

Thomas reached where Zeru was lying, and as he stood next to him, Zeru tried to get up but immediately noticed he could not.


As Zeru raised his voice and started to get worried, his head started to spin so much that he was about to vomit.

Thomas kneeled down next to Zeru, put his hand on his head, and tried to calm him down.

"Don't worry, Zeru. You are safe now, and you don't need to worry about anything."

As Thomas spoke to Zeru in a very calm voice, Zeru lost consciousness and shut his eyes again.

The science team stood there with food and clothes, waiting for Thomas' orders.

"Take the boy to the recovery room,."

A few members of the science team took Zeru's unconscious body to the restroom, while the rest of the team began preparing for the next phase of the AC project.


An hour had passed since Zeru lost consciousness. While he rested in the recovery room, Thomas sat next to Zeru's bed, watching the science team work non-stop through the thick glass walls.

While lost in his thoughts, Thomas was suddenly startled by Zeru's loud shout.


With a smile, Thomas turned towards Zeru, ready to answer any questions he had.

Suddenly, Zeru tried to get up from his bed but immediately collapsed to the ground in front of Thomas.

"HEY, what's going on? What did you do to me, you bastard?"

Thomas stood up from his chair and helped Zeru back up to his bed, although Zeru resisted.

"Easy now, Zeru. I'll tell you everything, but I want you to calm down and let me talk without interruptions."

Zeru tried to calm himself down, although keeping his emotions in check was extremely difficult as Thomas started explaining everything from when the Pillars began their attack up until the present time.

As Thomas spoke, Zeru's world shrank, and every word became a shock, reaching a point where all Zeru could do was tear up.

When Thomas finished talking, he left the recovery room and headed towards the work desk on the other side of the lab.

He retrieved some files and returned to the recovery room to continue his conversation with Zeru.

Thomas returned to his seat next to Zeru, continued the conversation, and then handed him the files he had in his hand.

"Zeru, I know things are very difficult for you now, but please bear with me."

"I have good news and bad news."

Thomas paused for a moment to see if Zeru would respond, but it was dead silent inside the room.

"The good news is that I kept the promise I gave your grandfather."

Zeru turned to Thomas with tearful eyes.

"What promise to my grandfather?"

"To keep you alive."

Thomas paused for a moment and suddenly became very serious, indicating he was about to say something important.

"The bad news is that you will never walk again."

This news, of course, devastated Zeru, leaving him at a loss for words.

"I can never w...wa..... walk again......NEVER AGAIN."

Thomas cleared his throat as he continued to explain to Zeru his situation.

"We did all we could to save your life, and although we succeeded, there was nothing we could do for your lower body because the poison caused permanent damage."

Suddenly, Zeru screamed in despair and denial, attempting to stand up but immediately collapsing to the ground.

As Zeru was struggling, Thomas sat down quietly in his chair and watched Zeru struggle.

Zeru was crying and screaming so much that his voice started to crack, and eventually, he lost it. He then kept punching his legs hard, repeatedly.

Zeru's voice cracked so much it started to hurt his throat, and he began to cough up blood.

Thomas then intervened, holding both of Zeru's arms together and locking eyes with him.

Suddenly, Zeru stopped resisting against Thomas and wanted to hear what he had to say.

Thomas helped Zeru back up to his bed and placed his hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"I know a way to get your legs back and you will feel like a whole new person after this process."

"W...w...what other way are you t.... ta.. talking about?"

Zeru didn't believe what he was hearing and was lost for words.

"You don't need to answer right away. Take your time and think about it."

"Get some rest. I will be waiting for you in the lab."

Thomas turned around and, with an evil smile, left Zeru to rest some more.

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