Chapter 11: Phase two, part 4

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"Team 19 advances to the final."

"Team 11 advances to the final."

"Team 17 advances to the final."

"This should not come as a surprise as the three teams who simultaneously moved on to the finals are from stage two's water clan."

People from stage two were cheering and singing with joy to see participants from their side taking the lead.

"Team 20 advances to the final."

"Team 5 advances to the final."

"Team 3 advances to the final."

"Hold onto your hats guys, stage two just secured another three positions and this time it's the lighting clans' time to shine."

People all around the world bets on which clan or participants who are going to win and the odds are against the lightning clan because of their past.

In the popularity poll, their scores are the lowest, even lower than the v clan who comprises of normal people, and only use high technology instead of powers.

But one thing is for sure, every time the test comes, people from the lightning clan have the most members who reach the final, thanks to their unique abilities.

Many fear their unique abilities, and there are rumours that even the king is very concerned about the lightning clan and that he is keeping an extra eye on them. 

"Team 15 advances to the final."

"Another team from the lightning clan advances to the final, ladies and gentlemen."

"Seven positions taken by teams from stage two, and three remaining before phase two is over."

"No one from stage one secured a place at the finals. Let's see if one of them can secure a place."

Suddenly, the commentator's focus shifted to a group of people from stage one.

The situation was about to get really ugly because it was team 2, team 4, team 6 and Team 8 fighting out who was going to get the two spheres that they found together as a team.

"This does not look good for any of them. Let's see how this will play out, folks."

None of the four teams were holding back, and they were attacking like they wanted to kill each other.

Suddenly, Vin landed in between the four teams and casually walked to where the spheres were lying. He took one up and absorbed all the points.

"Hey buddy! What do you think you are doing with my sphere?"

"Oh.... my bad, was this yours?"

Vin turned to the guy who was talking to him and threw the sphere at his head, resulting in breaking the sphere and knocking him out.

Vin took the second sphere up and absorbed the points as well.

"What's wrong guys? Do you want this last sphere?"

The four teams who were fighting among themself turned to Vin and tried to convince him they should get the sphere.

"Give us the sphere."

"Yeah, we work so hard on finding it."

"You don't want to win this."

"You guys have a point. I don't want to win this. So whoever deals the most damage to the other team wins this sphere."

"You got yourself a deal."

"Remember, if I see you bluffing, I will destroy this sphere and kill you all."

Vin moved to a safer place, and he watched them go all out at each other.

The tension was so high that people all around the world were standing up and forgot to even breathe.

Throughout this year's test, Vin caught many people's intentions and everybody was cheering at him whenever he was at the center of everything.

They all wanted to see him at the finals in stage two, but one thing they didn't understand was that every time Vin got the chance to move on, he threw it away.

The fight between the teams was almost over, and you could really see them trying to inflict a fatal blow on each other.

"Come on guys, if I don't see blood you won't get this sphere."

The commentator could not hold in his excitement anymore and stood up and shouted out loud.


"I have never seen matches like this in my life, and let me remind you ladies and gentlemen, I am an old man."

"I may get a heart attack before this phase ends."

That's when something unexpected happened. Team 4 came out victorious.

They slaughtered the other three teams, resulting in them also losing the competition.

"Team 4 came out victorious, but at what cost."

"They broke the rule, and that means that it disqualified them."

"This should come as no surprise, given the lightning clan participants also killed in the previous test."

Vin walked to them while smirking at them.

"Good job out there, but you guys didn't satisfy me."

The guys from team 4 got really mad and attacked Vin, but they got caught by the elite guards.

"If you lose, you leave the arena."

But team 4 didn't listen and instead tried to attack again.

After that, one of the elite guards pulled out a stun gun and stunned them, knocking them out.

They walked away with them, and Vin stood there alone.

That's when Vin destroyed the sphere he was holding on to.

"I don't believe this, I don't believe this, folks."

"Vin gave away his first sphere to a member from team 7 and destroyed two others."

"What is his plan?"

Vin laughed and turned to the cameras.

"Do you guys want to know what I am thinking?"


"Tell us why you are doing all this."

Vin could see his face on all the screens around the city and people were waiting for his answer.

"I gave up this test long before it even began."

This, of course, didn't make some people happy, and one of them was the royal family.

All the cameras shifted to the royal family, and the world wanted to see their reaction.

King prime the seventh and his family, was watching from their palace up in the Pall city. The king didn't look happy at all.

The cameras switched back to the participants, and their focus shifted to the one holding the last sphere.


Kai and May were running through a small forest when they accidentally ran into Zeru.

"Where did you come from Zeru?"

When Zeru noticed Kai and May, he ran towards them and pushed both of them off a cliff.

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