Chapter 28: The Maze Of Truth, part 7

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"There was an attack inside the test area. Head for the nearest exit. I repeat, there has been an attack inside the test area. Please evacuate to your nearest exit."

The elite guards kept trying to handle the situation, and the people inside the test area ran around like lost children as the entire test area became on high alert and the sound grew louder and louder.

The royal family was about to evacuate to safety when the clan leaders were told to stand down until further notice, but the king and his son, along with some of the royal guards, stayed behind to regain control.

"Status report."

"My majesty, someone entered the maze. There is currently only one, but there could be more out there."

Hawk got out of his throne chair, pulled out his epic-type Chakram weapon, Eclipse, and slashed the guard in half before he could say anything else.

The king looked at his son and tried to figure out why his son had just killed someone in front of him.

"Why my son? Why did you kill the royal guard? It's unfortunate to lose a good man like that."

"I know, father, but he's making us look weak, and we don't want that. Now is the perfect time to show the world why we are at the top of the world, and anyone who tries us will regret it for centuries."

When the king looked into his son's eyes, he saw the fire that was burning inside of him, but that kind of fire was the only thing king prime the seventh had been fighting against his entire life.

Hawk untied his royal cloak around his shoulder, revealing full body armor beneath it, and prepared to pursue the person who had entered the maze.

"Father, you are the king. Send these worthless royal guards down there to secure the city. I want the person who dared to attack in my presence all to myself so that I can have his head on a plate."

The king briefly closed his eyes, causing the room to go quiet. He then got up from his throne and waved his arm at the guards.

"You heard your prince follow his orders,"

Hawk gave a creepy smile before turning to face his father and kneeling before him.

"Thank you, father."

The clan leaders entered the room as Hawk turned back to the royal guards and gave them orders.

They all got down on their knee before Hawk and King Prime the Seventh and yelled simultaneously.


Hawk approached the clan leaders slowly and began speaking to them harshly.

"Remind me again, whose responsibility it was not just to safeguard the entire test area with its participants and spectators, but also to ensure that something like this never occurs near the royal family."

The air thickened as everyone avoided meeting Hawk's gaze, since he was throwing his weapon up in the air and catching it while walking back and forth in front of them.

The wrong answer, no, the wrong word, would serve as an excuse for the young prince to kill and get away with it, so he waited for the clan leaders to make a mistake.

"May I speak young, prince?"

Hawk chuckled at Thomas as he turned to face him.

"Ow Thomas, you better give me something that I'd love to hear or you're the one of all clan leaders I want to get my hands on first."

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