Chapter 15: Reality

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2 days prior to the attack, in some dungeon up in the mountain chains of Buur city.

"It's finally time for us to put our plan into action."

"Finally, we can stop hiding and do something."

"You're right, Archer. The time that we have been waiting on for so long is upon us now."

"We will divide us into two teams and meet up in stage two when everything is over."

"Draven, you are with Agent 5 and..."

"NO, I do not trust her."

Draven's voice grew darker and echoed throughout the dungeon, showing that he was not pleased with the leader's decision.

"I'm going to slit her throat wide open."

Void approached Draven and hugged him while crying. Everyone in the room exchanged glances, attempting to understand what was going on.

"Draven, don't say that. Keep in mind that we are the only hope for this world. We are the pillars on which the world is standing on."

"I will go with this idiot, boss. You can go with Agent 5 and magma boy."

Void turned to Archer and smiled at him.

"Thank you Archer, for your understanding. Let's all meet up in stage two, including Taro."

"Is Taro done with his mission?"

"Not yet. We'll meet up with him before the finals because he's currently guarding the king."

"What do you want us to do now, then?"

Suddenly, Void's smile vanished, and he became more serious.

"I'd like you guys to bring me a participant named Kai."


Archer and Draven stood in silence, looking confused.

"You want us to bring you one of this year's worst participants, for what?"

"To join us when we are saving this world."

Draven laughed out loud.

"If you desire someone, I recommend the fire clan kid wielding the legendary weap,,,,,"

Before Draven could finish Void grabbed him by the throat and strangled him.

"Don't you dare mention the fire clan in my presence."

Void released Draven, and he walked to the exit. He turned to Archer and gave him the location that they would meet up again.

"Good luck and be safe."

Void and his team exited the dungeon and vanished into the darkness, leaving Draven and Archer alone in the dungeon.

"That man is crazy."

"Let's go, you idiot."

"You're the idiot here, your bastard."

Soon after, Archer and Draven ran at top speed to cover the distance they needed in order to get to Von city in time.


3 days after the attack in Von city..........


"Hey...... take it easy, kid."

"Where am I?"

"You are in a safe place now. Try to come down."

Kai looked around and realized he was in some sort of bunker.

He tried to stand up but collapsed to the ground because of the pain from his arm.


"Stay still or your wound will get worse."

"What happened to me?"

"You're telling me you don't remember what happened to you?"

"I remember we were running from someone and......"



"Are you sure you don't remember any of it or don't want to?"

"How did you find me, Vin?"

"I saw everything that took place."

Even though Kai didn't want to hear anything, Vin told him what happened.

Kai cried in pain........

"I don't believe you. Zeru would never do this to me."

"If you don't believe me, how do you explain the scar on your left arm?"

"Kai removed the bandages that were around his arm."

"What are you doing? You will only make your injury worse."

Kai took off all the bandages and panicked when he noticed chain marks all over his arm. He screamed in anguish and eventually passed out.

2 hours later........

Kai regained his consciousness and saw that Vin treated his arm once again.

"Please tell me this is a nightmare?"

"I wish I could kid, but this is the sad reality of our lives."

"This world is a beautiful place and we humans do not deserve it."

Kai cried out loud again while Vin tried to calm him down.

After Kai took control of his emotions, he looked at Vin.

"What happened to you? I thought you passed and went to the finals."

"I gave up the test since a lot of things unfolded the way I didn't want them to."

"It's a shame you won't be able to see the outside world."

"Trust me, kid, you don't know how ugly the outside world is."

"What do you mean?"

"We will talk more about it later, so try to get some rest now."

Vin stepped outside, leaving Kai in the bunker to get some fresh air.

He took a deep breath.....

"The sky is really beautiful at nighttime."

Vin thought to himself as he gazed up at the sky.

'Mother, I finally found a person with a good heart.'

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