Chapter 27: The Maze Of Truth, part 6

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'I need to control my breathing before the situation escalates.'

Zeru rolled out of the way, and by chance, he discovered a massive boulder behind him in which he could hide.

'Breathe in, breathe out.'

'Breathe in, breathe out.'

Zeru regained his breathing and pulled out his chain knife, ready to search for Tox in the dark.



Something flew past Zeru's head at a rapid speed and landed near him.



Zeru observed Tox's rock-throwing strategy and realized that it was random.

'He doesn't know where I am exactly, so I should try to get as close to him as I can and hit him as much as I can before the time runs out.'


Zeru got to his feet, took a few steps forward, and then fell to the ground, completely flat.

'NO. This is a terrible idea. I'm not sure if I'll be able to find another boulder to hide behind, but for the time being, the only thing I can do is wait.'

Zeru felt the pain rush through his body as a flying rock struck his lower leg as he prepared to retreat behind the enormous boulder.


Except for the rocks that Tox was throwing, no one in the room could hear Zeru's loud screams.

As Zeru moved back behind the enormous boulder, one point was added under Tox's name on the large screen above him.


'This does not look good. If I don't counterattack, everything I worked for will be gone and no one will ever look at me if I show wea.......'

Before Zeru could finish his sentence, he got to his feet, emerged from hiding, and fused his powers with the chain knife.

The chain knife and the crystal in his chest glowed bright red, and then the flames around him and his weapon changed to a dark blue color.

'This experience left me weak, depending on the rules or others to save me. What have I turned into?'

'I am Zeru from the fire clan, a member of the most powerful clan in the world. I will not dishonor the name of my clan by running behind a boulder and hoping for a chance to strike.'


The flames that shot from Zeru's chain knife created a barrier around him as he continued to spin the chain knife at an ever-increasing speed. He then moved forward.

Tox found Zeru and grinned as he prepared to attack while pulling out his daggers as Zeru continued to move forward without a plan or concern for whether he would be seen or not.

'What an idiot... acting so desperately that he forgot to consider his actions.'

'Mhm.... What should I expect from a prey?'

Zeru himself walked forward as Tox got closer and closer to his position.

When they are both 2 feet from one another in the center of the room, suddenly the room lights up, allowing Zeru and Tox to see one another as well as their surroundings.

When Zeru grinned at Tox and prepared to attack, Tox quickly retreated to a safe distance, jumped extremely high, and landed on top of a very tall rock.

Tox gave his surroundings a thorough inspection and carefully noted how the layout appeared.

'Now I can fight effectively even when the lights go out.'

Tox jumped to his feet and headed straight for Zeru, but the flames he was surrounded by forced him to retreat.

The room began to get progressively darker once more as Tox searched for an opening.

'No, If I don't attack now I will never get another chance like this again before the time runs out.'

Zeru breached his defense and then grasped the chain knife in the middle, allowing him to simultaneously spin both ends of the chain knife.

Zeru made two large fire rings by spinning the chain knife's two ends, which he then threw at Tox. Tox could not avoid Zeru's attack because he was too close to him.

'I am not done yet....'

Zeru pulled one of the chain knife's ends just as it was about to touch the ground, preparing to counterattack once more with the same move.

Before Zeru unleashed his attack, the chain knife and the flames that were shooting from it swung around his body.

Three attacks from Zeru gave him the advantage in the round. Tox lost his footing but continued to fight, and as he did so, he changed his grip on his right-hand dagger and slashed upward, inflicting a deep wound on Zeru's chest.

Zeru eventually lost his weapon and had no way of defending himself against Tox.

Before everything went dark once more and the timer was about to reach 0, Tox chuckled at Zeru while both of them had the same number of points on the board.

Zeru found another hiding place while Tox vanished into the dark. Zeru was breathing heavily and was feeling faint at the same time.


'What is happening? I'm about to pass out, is it because of this wound?'

'Is merely a flesh wound...... Oh-no, I must have been struck by one of his poisonous daggers.'

Tox had already located Zeru when he grabbed him by the neck and threw him against the boulder closest to them as he struggled to maintain consciousness.

Zeru attempted to escape Tox's hold, but he kept losing strength, and eventually, he was completely helpless and devoid of all internal strength.


Zeru pulled out a dagger that Tox had thrown at the creatures they had fought in the previous room and stabbed him in the chest, using the last of his strength in one last attack.

After some time, Tox finally let go of Zeru, and the two of them landed on the floor.


The maze rotated, and as it did so, it unexpectedly made a powerful break, which was followed by an explosion.

The explosion was caused by someone who had infiltrated the maze by opening a massive hole from the outside.

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