Chapter 40: Irregular, part 5

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One day has passed since the Lighting Clan military launched their mission to retake the uncharted territory, during which the military force cleared everything near the great wall.

The creatures and beasts near the entrance of the great wall were easily defeated due to their weakness and small size compared to those residing deeper in the forest.

Commander Blade divided the military force into three units: unit one was dispatched to the east side of the wall, unit two positioned at the center, while unit three, led by Commander Blade himself, advanced toward the west side of the wall.

Just a few hours later, Unit One decided to advance deeper into the forest, only to be suddenly ambushed by giant beasts, resulting in their complete annihilation.

The commander received the news and immediately ordered Unit Two to fall back and await his orders.

While Unit One was annihilated and Unit Two incurred some losses, Unit Three did not encounter a single beast or creature, and thus, did not lose a single soldier.

This, of course, was very odd, and the commander started to grow suspicious.

Unit Three ventured deep into the forest to search for clues. They discovered extinguished campfires and remnants from various types of beasts.

The soldiers reported what they had found to the commander, who immediately contacted headquarters and requested that Arthur be informed directly.

Commander Blake swiped on his band watch and then called the Lightning Clan leader. It took a few seconds before Arthur answered the call.

"Hello, Commander Blade."

"Hello Sir. I called you for an emergency report."

"What emergency?"

"Unit one has been annihilated. As for unit two, I've ordered them to stand down for now. Regarding unit three, we've uncovered some unpleasant news."

Commander Blade could hear Arthur's deep inhalation through the band watch, sensing his frustration.

"Sir, it appears that someone other than us is or has been on the westside of the island."


Commander Blade could hear the lightning clan leaders' anger bubble up.

"Sir, we didn't encounter a beast nor a human on our way to the forest."

Suddenly, the lightning clan leader's voice became sharper.

"Commander, set a camp at your exact location and immediately begin to search every tree in every corner of that area."

"Already on it, sir."

"And keep updating me. Arthur out."

While the commander returned to work, Arthur, on the other hand, felt angry and frustrated with the current situation, pacing in his office and talking to himself.

'How come there are people inside the uncharted territory?'

'They must be outsiders because the guards who guard the great walls would never let someone trespass.'

'The outsiders must have entered the island from the uncharted side, but that means suicide.'

As Arthur's head was filled with questions and everything was happening on Perigo Island, the fire clan leader was about to give his big speech to Von City—a speech that would decide their future.


Meanwhile, deep underneath the headquarters of Prov island, inside the secret lab, the science team was working nonstop to prepare the operating room for Zeru.

Thomas was standing behind thick glass walls, arms behind his back, watching the science team work and preparing to launch phase 2 of the AC-project.

Suddenly, Zeru, sitting in a wheelchair, rolled up behind Thomas, who then turned to face him.

Thomas quickly noticed that Zeru appeared broken, both in body and mind, with lifeless eyes.

Thomas felt the emptiness in Zeru's gaze, like staring at a dead body in a wheelchair.

Thomas slowly approached Zeru and then gave him a warm smile.

"How are you feeling, Zeru?"

As soon as Thomas asked the question, a long, awkward silence filled the air before Zeru turned his head towards the ground.

Thomas continued talking to Zeru.

"I understand how difficult this is for you, but I assure you, this process will not only heal you, but also make you stronger than ever."

Zeru glanced toward the thick glass, where he saw the science team preparing for an operation, then turned back to Thomas.

"How did you know that I would say yes?"

Thomas cleared his throat before he answered Zeru.

"Deep down, I had a feeling that your story wouldn't end in a wheelchair."

Suddenly, the doctor leading the operation emerged from the operating room to greet both Thomas and Zeru.

The doctor lowered his head to greet Thomas and then knelt down to speak with Zeru.

"Hello Zeru!"

Zeru remained silent, offering no response.

"I understand this may seem intimidating, but I'll be here every step of the way, guiding you."

Before entering the operation room, Thomas and the doctor had a quick private talk. Then Thomas gave the doctor a small chip before the doctor rolled Zeru inside.

The assistants in the operating room worked together to carefully position Zeru's body on the operating table. Zeru's view was filled with machines and white lights all around.

Zeru glanced around and noticed Thomas waiting just outside the operation room.

Suddenly, the assistants began fastening safety straps around his head and arms.

Zeru felt uneasy about it and began to scream.


The doctor removed his mask and tried to calm Zeru down.

"Easy there, Zeru. These safety measures are just to keep you still during the operation. And remember, it's crucial that you stay awake throughout."

Zeru's pupils dilated the moment he heard the doctor's words.

"Are you ready for this, Zeru?"

Zeru took a deep breath and then looked at the doctor.

The doctor gave Zeru a mouth guard before he started the operation.

Zeru started feeling more and more nervous, trying his best to calm down. Then he heard loud machine noises all around him.

Before he knew it, a sharp pain hit his chest, making him really scared.

The pain Zeru felt was like every bone in his body was being crushed with a hammer as the doctor began his operation.

The doctor began carving flesh from Zeru's chest, and he could feel the blade sinking deeper and deeper under his skin.

All Zeru could do was clench his teeth against the mouth guard and endure the pain.

Slowly, he felt himself on the verge of passing out from the excruciating sensation.

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