Chapter 10: Phase two, part 3

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The test is a unique event, and it started shortly after the great clan war. It was a direct order from king prime the seventh.

King prime the seventh also known as the last prime, became the youngest leader when his father, king prime the sixth, died in front of him in the great clan war.

His father's death and what led to that changed the young leader's mind completely. As a result, he guided his clan to victories.

After the war, he executed every clan leader and their minions. He spared the civilians because he wanted to be a better leader than his father.

But he punished the lightning clan the most because they were responsible for the war to begin with.

So that being the case, the entire lightning clan was sent off to Perigo Island and was also stripped from all their status.

A mystery is surrounding Perigo Island, and the island is all forest, foggy, dark and dangerous places to live on because it is home for some of the most bloodthirsty and ruthless spices in the world.

Before the separation of the supercontinent, it was a city near Perigo Island and accidents used to occur every day and as a result the city got empty.

This city was later known as Alba city and it sank down under the dead sea along with Von and Buur city before the war.

A small percent of Perigo Island is inhabited, and that's where the lightning clan lives and also where the giant was last seen, one of the four guardians in this world.

After the kring banished the lighting clan, he ended the prime heritage and named his oldest son Hawk and his next born child Erica.

This was, of course, shocking for the world, but he didn't stop there.

King Prime the seventh announced to the world that he wants an event that will take place every five years and the grind prize for those who win it will be to live in the floating city Pall and wield the strongest legendary- type weapon in the world, Ancestors' rage.

Ancestors' rage is a long, wide sword and is a wind-type weapon which makes it a wind clan weapon.

However, it is also known as the most powerful weapon ever created, and what makes it unique is that every element works with Ancestors' rage as long as you are worthy.

Some people in the royal family were not happy about the changes that came with the new ruler and they didn't understand why the king would change something that their ancestors had fought for so long.

The only reason that King prime the seventh gave to the royal family and the world was that his actions were for the better tomorrow.


Zeru was running at full speed, and he noticed that a group of people were chasing him.

He suddenly changed his direction and turned to the enemy direction instead to launch a counterattack. But they were quick and dodged his surprise attack.

It was three women who were chasing him and they all were wearing similar clothes and the water clan armband.

"I don't have time to waste on you guys, so leave while you can."

"Oh, you are not fun."

"We hoped you could entertain us for a bit."

The camera above Zeru and the three women zoomed in, and the crowd all over the world got excited.

"Hold your hats, good folks. This is a match we don't get to see every day."

"Zeru, the future flame vs team 9."

Two of them took out a sword and combined it with their powers. The last one had a bow and arrows made of water, and the arrows formed every time she touched the bowstring.

The two with the swords ran in a zigzag pattern towards Zeru, and that made it hard for him to keep up with them.

The one with arrows was the one who kept Zeru's movement limited by firing arrows at his surroundings.

The other two closed the gap between themselves and Zeru and attacked with synchronized movements. 

They kept attacking Zeru, and the only thing he could do was to be in defensive mode.


Whoosh.... Whoosh!!

Suddenly, one of them stopped attacking and moved away. That's when an arrow flew past her and landed on Zeru's leg and passed through it.

"Argh... Argh!!!"

Zeru screamed in pain.

"This does not look good for the future flame."

"Where is his team, when he needs them now more than ever?"

"Is this the end for team 7?"

The women from team 9 battle style was something that Zeru never faced.

The two with swords had a martial art combined with an acrobatic fighting style, and the one with the bow was very accurate with her aiming.

Zeru's biggest problem was the one with the bow and if he only could take her out.

Zeru realised that there were a few seconds between every attack that the bow lady launched and that's when he made a move.

He found his timing and jumped out of reach. Zeru took out his chain-knife and started to spin it super fast. The blue flames made a barrier that could protect him.

He removed his headband and covered his leg wound.

"Playtime is over, let's end this."

The two ladies with the sword couldn't come near Zeru thanks to his flames. He threw some fire balls around the one with the bow and blocked her surroundings.

He went after the one with the bow first.

The closer he got to her, the hotter it got. It got so hot in the surrounding area that every attack she launched vaporized in mid air.

Without her bow and arrow, she was defenseless, and when Zeru got to her, he burned and broke both of her arms.

The two ladies with the sword saw their friend get injured and lost focus. Zeru used that opportunity and launched a counterattack.

He wrapped his chain-knife around the neck of the one who stood the closest, and then tightened the grip, which resulted in her getting unconscious.

The last one ran towards him with no plan, but Zeru was ready for it and gave her a hook kick.

She lost balance and was falling to the ground, but Zeru didn't let up his attack and before she could fall, he gave her a finishing blow to the stomach, knocking her unconscious as well.

"What an unbelievable match"

"The odds were against Zeru but his flame guided him to victory."

Zeru lifted his right arm up in the air, while the camera was zooming on his face.

"Watch out world, this is just the beginning."

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