Chapter 39: Irregular, part 4

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Just outside the headquarters of Perigo Island..........

Arthur, along with his inner council, were about to carefully prepare for their crucial meeting, awaiting the arrival of the island's commander, lieutenants, and the top assassins.

Arthur's stone throne was just behind the wide, long podium, which also happened to be made of a black rock.

They were having their meeting deep in the forest of Perigo Island.

In this dense wilderness, a spacious meeting room constructed from ancient stone served as the gathering place for the lighting clan's meetings.

The room was covered in moss, with vines hanging around, connecting it to the dense forest outside.

In the center of the room, the empty space is painted in the color yellow, representing the lightning clan.

Stone seats, resembling thrones, are connected in a row, arranged upwardly for an optimal view during clan discussions.

Slowly, the meeting room filled, and Arthur remained seated on his stone throne, arms crossed and eyes shut.

Soon after everyone arrived, the commander of the military force on Perigo Island stood and walked to the center of the meeting room.

The commander stands tall in the middle of the meeting room, sporting a sharp buzz-cut with jet-black hair, complemented by a full, dark beard.

A long scar runs horizontally across his nose, and his deep black eyes hold an authoritative gaze.

Everyone in the room except Arthur bowed their heads as he stood.

"Hello, everyone!"

After a momentary pause, the commander resumed.

"I, Blade, the commander of the military force on Perigo Island, welcome everyone here today to participate in the most crucial meeting for our island's future."

"Now, I pass the word to our grand leader, Arthur."

Blade walked towards the stone podium and stood beside it, while Arthur rose from his throne and stepped forward onto the podium.

Arthur cleared his throat, signaling the beginning of his speech.

"Let's make this short and simple."

"Tomorrow morning, at first light, we will launch our attack to claim the uncharted territory from the mindless beasts that have occupied the rich parts of our island for many years."

Arthur paused briefly before resuming his speech.

"This shouldn't be a surprise to any of us because deep down, we all knew the royal family would take action sooner rather than later."

"We are not like the other clans who will be vulnerable because of the border shutdown, instead we will come out of it stronger."

Suddenly, Blade jumped into the conversation and gave important information.

"As we speak now, the scouting team is keeping me informed, and our military has the information we need."

"Our military is also closing in on the great wall that separates us from the uncharted territory."

Arthur switched with the commander and continued the speech.

"To enter the uncharted territory, we all know what needs to be done."

Everyone in the room knew what the lightning clan leader was talking about, but no one believed that the day would come.

Arthur started to walk away from the podium and walked towards the center of the room.

Arthur once again cleared his throat and then proceeded with his speech.

"In order for our military to enter the uncharted territory, we must destroy the great wall that separates us and the mindless beast on the other side."

Suddenly, one lieutenant stood up from her chair and spoke out of turn.

"With all due respect, sir, destroying the wall poses a risk of casualties for the people inside if we fail to eliminate every last creature in the uncharted territory."

Suddenly, the commander punched the podium he stood next to and raised his voice.

"HOW DARE....."

"NO, Commander Blade, there is no need for you to get angry. Let me handle it."

"But sir."

Suddenly Arthur's presence and aura shifted and everyone could feel his bloodlust and anger and, in a split second, the lieutenant collapsed back to her seat, silent and terrified.

Following that, Arthur raised a finger in the air for everyone to see.

"Seventy percent of the island's resources lie beyond that great wall. Considering our current situation, starvation and a lack of resources await us on this side of the wall."

Suddenly, with a smirk, Arthur clenched his fist and threw it in the air.

"If we are going to die anyway, I say let us die in BATTLE."

It was a brief and awkward silence, but suddenly, everyone in the meeting room began to shout loudly.

With a confident smile, Arthur turned to the commander and shouted;


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