Chapter Nineteen - Joshua

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My gosh he is gay, I nearly walked into a lamp post staring at him as he asked me questions about my life.


I hope he didn't notice

"is this your farm them?" I asked Sam as we walked up past a Stoney wall and turned down a farm track

"no, ours is further up the road... I haven't been back since I first left, my father..."

He trailed off wiping a tear from his eye

"I had to kill them Josh"

"I'm so sorry" I put my hand on his shoulder and he stopped walking for a moment, I hugged him close as he cried.

"I didn't think I could do it, I nearly didn't you know" he said wiping his tears and breaking the hug off and continuing walking.

What did he mean he nearly didn't? it wasn't the time to press I didn't want him to lash out again.

"we're nearly there" he said as a house came into view, a smouldering barn in the backdrop and a red pick-up in the yard.

"we should stay here tonight and then head out tomorrow, see if we can maybe find this sanctuary place?"

"yeah" I said eyeing up the pickup

"just don't screw me over josh, please, that's my last chance to get out of here"

"I won't" I promised but I'm not sure how much he believed me; he'd clearly been through some stuff before we met.

Sam showed me around the farm, and the massive tanker of water he'd filled up, the boarded windows, and how he survived on the sofa guarding the door, all of it was ingenious when I thought about it.

He set a fire in the fireplace and put some logs onto it, "gets cold at night" he said "there's some more blankets upstairs I usually sleep here, but you know it's your choice"

"no that sounds great thanks" I rifled through the bedrooms and got some blankets together and returned to the living room, the farmhouse was small, dark, even more so with the boarding but it felt safe.

"I've been saving this for a while" Sam said holding up a glass of whiskey, "apart from meeting you todays been a pretty shitty day" he said as we clinked glasses.

We looked at the tins we'd got, and unfortunately most were beans, but Sam opened them up and warmed them by the fire, so warm beans weren't as grim as the last ones I had, either that or my taste buds were now truly broken

I spooned the remainder of the can into my mouth, the darkness descending outside, and the only remaining light in the room was the flickering of the fire, we sat like an old married couple on the wing back chairs our feet on the footstools.

I looked through my bag and pulled the jar of Nutella out and sank my spoon into it picking up a gold mine of hazelnutty chocolatiness and putting it straight into my mouth passing the jar over to Sam giggling

"you're an animal Josh" he laughed following suit the chocolate sticking to his teeth as he laughed uncontrollably.

He poured another glass of whiskey and offered it over, I felt like I had known him forever, this is what it felt like with Mike, but he didn't want me.

Sam doesn't want me either

As much as I find him attractive this can't happen, but I could see exactly where it was heading because I was weak.

We laughed and joked for most of the night, it was the most normal I had felt in ages, we shared the same likes in films, he was clever, he was funny, he was beautiful and the whiskey was doing me no favours.

It was late though, Sam put some more logs on the fire and yawned, "I need to go to bed, no more whiskey for me I think"

As I brushed my teeth Sam was brushing his in the kitchen, I tired to draw it out longer and finish last, I didn't want to see him get undressed, well I wanted to but I needed to control myself, I hoped he was already in bed when I returned, but instead he had got some extra pillows and laid them on the sofa.

"you can have the sofa" he said patting the blanket

He was so sweet, "thanks" I managed watching him take his top off and strip to his boxers in the flickering light of the fire, I took my top and bottoms off too leaving them in neat pile on the floor.

I stood up and we bumped together "sorry" I said Sam's paws rested on my chest as he steadied himself, his muzzle was close to my lips I could sense it, meanwhile his paw gently stroking my chest as finally our lips touched, I felt my boxers tighten, I laid a hand on his side, his fur felt soft as my fingers ran through it,

Our lips parted, it was just a kiss but wow my heart was racing and this was just how it always started, I barely knew him and here we were about to have sex.

I can't

"Sam I can't, can we just..."

"yeah, sorry it was the whiskey, I read it wrong, I'm sorry" he broke off climbing into bed.

"I'm sorry Josh, but we're friends, right?"

"yeah friends" I said climbing into the covers on the sofa, my arousal certainly annoyed with my decision, but this was like every other guy, it was just sex, this is how it happened with Mike, I wanted to know him first.

Damn it I was horny, and sleep wasn't coming quickly for me, Sam on the other hand drifted off to sleep and rolled onto his back, pushing the sheets of him and exposing his naked torso and his tight boxers leaving little to the imagination.

He was beautiful, he wanted me, and I just turned him down.

Yeah but he just wanted sex, he didn't want me.

I contemplated my decision as I watched his adorable face sleeping, he looked so peaceful.

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