Chapter Twenty-three - Joshua

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The hayloft roof was spinning a little as I lay there confused, I swore he was going to kiss me

I wanted him to kiss me

I did tell him we were just friends

What did he mean 'that's not fair' did he like me? It can't have been the whiskey talking he had more tonight than the other night, and he didn't kiss me, he didn't start anything, it was me who started something and he said no.

He was so different to any guy I had ever met before, guys I wanted to be with I mean, maybe his first kiss was genuine, maybe he didn't just want sex, maybe he wanted more, and now I was poking the friendship barrier.

I was being like Mike, but he was strong enough to say no.

How did I get this so wrong? And I think I'd pissed him off too

Sam rolled onto his back, he whispered something uncomprehensive in his sleep, I had no idea how he fell asleep so fast, he looked adorable when he slept, I wished I could hold him.

The noise of the zombies was off putting and alarming, I knew they couldn't get up here but equally it still freaked me out.

Off in the distance I could see a tiny glow of light near the sanctuary, we were so close...

I closed my eyes and finally drifted of to sleep


I woke to see Sam sitting near me, his feet cross-legged with his crossbow in paw looking out over the field

"oh hey, good morning" he said cheerily smiling that infectious smile again, damn he was cute, "I saved you these, now don't get too excited" he said covering the label on the tin "its all I had and I know how you love them cold, you told me they're your favourtie" he released his paw from the can showing the beans label with a fork sticking out of them.

"thanks" I managed, he seemed happy again, maybe I didn't piss him off last night, he really was a hard character to read.

I finished the beans and built up some courage to talk to him, maybe if I just explained last night it would help, tell him that I did like him, and I did want him.

"hey Sam"

"shhh" he said peering over the edge of the floor, "just three left" he whispered grabbing the empty can off me, he folded the fork in two and slid it into the can before folding the lid back over to keep it in place, he then threw it away from the hayloft and the fork clanged inside the can as it bounced along the hard soil.

The three zombies came to life and chased the can into the open, Sam shot the first before reloading and getting the second.

The zombie looked confused snapping left and right as I picked the bow up and got him in the head

Sam held his paw up "don't leave me hanging" he was so childish at times, and I slapped his hand

"hey zombies" Sam said a little louder than I expected, his ears raised surveying the distance, "looks like our friends have gone" Sam kicked a few haybales down and grabbed his bag jumping off the ledge, "you coming?" he asked

I grabbed my bag and followed suit, collecting my arrow from the fallen zombie, "good shot by the way" Sam said pulling the last bolt from the other zombie.

"great teacher I guess" I smiled

"come on lets get to this sanctuary and see what all the fuss is about, there better be supplies though because we're out of food" Sam said encouraging me to keep up

"What if this place is some kind of colony Josh, you know, you have to buy your way in, and then we find out they're eating people or some other crazy shit, you've seen zombie movies right?"

"well I wouldn't put it past people to be honest, I just want to find my mum though"

"ok, what if it really is a safe haven, would you want to live there?"

"wouldn't you, safe from others, safe from zombies"

"I don't know Josh, I mean you can see it from miles away, places like that are only going to draw attention from another big gang, I like this, this is free, I'd like this but with more food" Sam pointed around him to the empty fields but I knew what he meant

"more food would certainly be good" my stomach gurgled at the thought.

The walls drew closer and they were pretty high, it resembled a castle wall almost just made from rendered breezeblock, red handprints circled the wall, presumably from zombies trying to find there way in.

"hey Sam" I really wanted to talk about last night before we got any further along, I just wanted to tell him how I felt

"hey I think I see something" Sam crouched down as the turned the corner of the wall into the parking lot, the entrance gate an iron gate covered in boards with a sign saying 'The sanctuary, ring bell here'

Sam made a beeline for the gate, "well I guess we will see whos home them?" as he pressed the button

"Yeah" a ladies voice came over the intercom, I nudged Sam to say something as I wasn't sure what we would say, "We're erm... we're looking for someone, a lady called Linda?"

"got anything to trade?" the voice asked

I shrugged my shoulders

"listen guys we don't take in strangers, but we have supply runners and if you've got something to trade then I'm all ears, otherwise... ya know" the voice said.

Sam runs through his back picking out some boxes of what look like shotgun shells, "I've got some cartridges" he said

"let me see, face them to the camera" the voice said a sudden interest to her tone, Sam held them up to the lens and the gate opened, two men pointed their rifles at us directing us inside.

"head up to the hotel reception, and check your weapons in" the larger guy clad in a bullet proof vest said, "and don't try anything" he pointed to the snipers locked on our position from the hotel balcony

The hotel was a 3 storey white rendered building with some plants out the front and bench seating, the entrance had glass doors which slid open as we came close "they have power" I looked at Sam who was also amazed at the moving doors.

Inside the reception were loads of blue lockers and a metal detector like what you would get in an airport, the voice behind the intercom now greeted us in person from behind a makeshift screen on the reception desk.

"guns, weapons into the lockers, lock It and take the key, trade items only allowed in but they must be checked in, any weapons you wish to trade need to be handled outside the hotel, but ammunition is fine"

Her voice was monotone like reading a script, "if its your first visit to sanctuary you should know we reward supply runners, we pay fairly, and you can earn a place inside the walls once you get 300 credits, its all explained here in this leaflet"

She handed over a flyer with an example price list of what credit you will get for certain supplies, 300 credits looked like it would take up quite a bit of time, but I did notice ammunition carried a premium.

We placed our items into the lockers in a blind moment of trust, the guys with the rifles didn't give us much other option to be honest as they searched us and put us through the metal detector, and pointed to a waiting area.

The lady span around in her chair and faced us, "the Deacon will conduct the trade in one of the meeting rooms, your number is 326, you will be called when its your turn.

I looked at Sam and he looked at me, there was no one else waiting, what the hell is a Deacon and why were we given the number 326.

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