Chapter Thirty-six - Sam

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Fuck.... I can't leave them

Josh's look agreed with me, I grabbed my knife and cut the man's bindings

"thank you, thank you" he said untying the lady, all the time josh kept his bow on them, and I raised the crossbow again

"don't try anything stupid" I offered

"please no, it's just me and my wife, we just want to get on our way"

"ok move it then" I have been shafted too many times to trust anyone new into our group even though I felt compelled to help, what if it were me and Josh caught up in the van by this 'Colony'

They stood up and started walking off, the lady holding her husband up as they staggered off towards the woods.

"hey" I shouted the lady turning around not really stopping

"here take a few tins" I dropped a handful of tins and a bag of rice, perhaps they were good people.

"thanks" the lady said as she picked up the tins, "we're a community over near the water tower if you need a place to stay, we could really use the supplies" she eyed up our rucksacks

"Margery come on" the man shouted "thank you so much" the lady said running back to her husband who was eager to leave.

I looked at Josh as he wrapped his arm over my shoulder, "I hope they make it; it was the right thing to do"

"yeah, I'm not letting strangers join us though Josh, I can't"

"Come on let's get home, we don't need a community or anything, we work well together"

I nodded rubbing my paw on the back of his head, "we got lucky today, and look at the crazy stuff we've got"

"Sam I never want to go into a dark building for the rest of my life"

"me neither, and hopefully we won't have to"

We walked up the side road, a road classified as a B road, there was no pavements and it still felt odd walking in the middle of a road to get where you needed to go.

The odd abandoned car we stopped to check but there was never anything of use, its contents usually scattered across the floor, the boot and doors left open from previous survivors looking for supplies.

How long would humanity really survive if they didn't become self-sufficient, sure we have supplies but the expiration date on anything fresh was already well passed, the only good stuff left was tins and long life food items, most of which had 8-12 months left, what then?

As we walked up the road, I noticed a house with a veg plot outside, not very well tended to but it was worth investigating anyway

It wasn't even the time of year to pick anything out the ground, but the overgrown nature of it got me thinking.

The house had already been ransacked, the windows were broken and it looked like someone had tried to set fire to it, whoever or whatever lived here wasn't there anymore, with the majority of the hall way and kitchen now black charcoal and burnt furniture we decided not to go in.

The veg plot as I suspected was unmanaged and overgrown, but this was good.

"look Josh, these flowers are from onions, grab a few seed heads we can use these"

"what and grow them?" he asked a little shocked

"well we need veg, we can't just live off rabbits and rats"

"rats, who said anything about rats?"

"well there's only so many rabbits, might have to eat pigeon, pheasant, whatever we can get our hands on, whatever's quicker than zombies too"

I told him about the geese and chickens in the barn which had turned into a buffet for some passing zombies.

"I wish we had a chicken" Josh said "I love eggs"

"all the chickens in the farms will be long dead now, this is why we need veg seeds now before its too late"

I dug around in the soil near a potato plant, sure enough the potatoes had been left in there but maybe they were salvageable, I uprooted the whole plant hoping I could save it.

Some carrots had gone to seed too, but other than that we were out of luck.

We gathered up what we could, my paws now a dirty brown colour from the soil as we continued up the road plants in tow.

When we finally arrived back to our new home I felt relieved it was good having a safe place again, hidden away from the rest of the chaos outside, I was glad we found this place, we were lucky.

The garden had a greenhouse where I planted the potato plant, if it were going to survive the winter I had to keep it warm, the seeds would keep for the other veg, but there would be no point planting it until February, some 3 months from now.

And then they needed to grow, we needed some 6 or 7 months of food, the grim reality of our situation was starting to dawn on me.

"Josh we need to plan out our stocks, see if we have enough until we can grow something"

We emptied our bags out onto the living room floor stacking the cans up into days only allowing ourselves a single tinned meal a day it looked just about doable

"we would need to catch something everyday" I looked over at josh, I wasn't even sure if we could maintain that

"what happens if we don't" josh asked glumly

"we need to do another supply run, but let's see how we go for a week if we fall behind then we need seriously think about it"

The temperate dropped in the evening so I got the wood burner going with some logs we dropped off, not having the pickup outside also presented a new problem as we now had no transport, but if all went to plan perhaps we wouldn't need it ever again.

As the wood burner got going the room quickly warmed up, I sat next to Josh on the sofa and he cuddled up to me as we stared out into the room

"it gets dark too quick" josh said breaking the silence, I looked over the room and noticed the red light emanating from the TV which I pointed at "we could watch something?"

Josh jumped up and darted to the cupboard underneath the tv, "hey there's some DVDs"

"anything good"

"world war Z" Josh laughed

"I'm not watching anything remotely zombie related or anything horror, or anything that will make me jump" I said, "I've had enough scares for a lifetime"

"finding nemo" josh laughed again, "what about the island, an alternate world of clones grown on an island"

"I feel like we should watch something funny"

"hmm, what about Austin powers"

"yeah sure" I said as Josh cuddled back up with me on the sofa, it felt normal again, zombies and rationing food was the last thing on my mind.

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