Chapter 44

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Hi Everyone

I started Wattpad just over a month ago, and I have written three books in that time each well over 60,000 words, its taken a lot of time turning my notes into these stories, all be it not fully polished yet, and this isn't to mention the thousands of words which I've thrown into the trash bin and rewritten and edited again.

The amount of time it takes to type the story and edit it is mind boggling, let alone coming up with the ideas in the first place.

All three have floated into the top ten in their tagged categories but then immediately get removed and struggle their way back up there before the cycle repeats, its almost as if Wattpad is punishing new authors by throttling organic growth through limiting the number of members seeing their work in searches.

Anyway, whatever it is, when I think about the time invested into writing these stories and the number of you reading them it just seems a little ... pointless?

Furzombie doesn't end here (not by a long way!), this is pretty much half the book, but my motivation to edit the rest has been fading with each week that passes as it sits here unread.

there is currently another 40 chapters and 50,000 words sat in Wattpad drafts that I just cant bring myself to edit.

I said I'd continue to write if there was demand for it, but it honestly feels like there isn't anyone out there who is interested in this, so with only 11 followers I'm going to call it a day for now and go on a hiatus and concentrate on other projects until a miracle happens or it randomly becomes popular.

I hope you enjoyed reading it this far, thanks for those that did comment and vote even if it was just a handful of you, and as I promised at the beginning of this writing journey, if you want the rest of it, you know what to do, ill occasionally log in and check.

Take care, perhaps we will speak again.


Furzombie - a gay furry zombie apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now