Chapter 42 - Sam

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Sitting around waiting for someone was my least favorite thing to do, I was enraged even more so because it was Jasper I was waiting for, the nerves were probably getting to me too as I stopped myself pacing up and down the kitchen

"will you just stand still, he's going to suspect something" Josh reminded me, our peaceful existence hadn't lasted long after the supply run there was little respite in this new world.

Josh and I had gathered some more wild game from the forest, and killed around 12 Zombies since our run, the time in-between gathering supplies and hunting we contemplated running but both of us knew it wasn't possible, and the risk was too high.

Someone needed to stop the colony and it was going to be us.

The familiar rumble of Jaspers Pick up entered the air as my airs pricked up listening out, "they're here" I announced to Josh who looked over the pile of supplies including the drugged wine we had neatly stacked near the top.

We figured if we were blazon with it rather than hide it, perhaps Jasper wouldn't suspect us, I could feel my stomach turn with the nerves, if this went wrong it was our lives.

I opened the door as the pick up pulled up next to our newly acquired car, Jasper was being driven by Wooly and 4 of his goons sat in the back of the pick up hopping out guns in hand.

Jasper had a certain walk about him, his face was always stern, almost unreadable

"boys, did you miss us" Jasper sneered at us as we stood outside.

"Hey, come on in, we have the supplies in the kitchen ready for you"

"now that is a surprise, and wooly here thought you guys would give us trouble" Wooly gave Jasper a blank stare as they followed us into the Kitchen

"Sam!" Jasper shouted abruptly, "You really have scored some extra brownie points today" he smiled raising a bottle of wine up inspecting its contents

"well that's everything we got so 50% is yours" I pointed to the pile of goods, "we caught some rabbits and pheasants too but we ate our share, I'd say there's about 2 days before they go off" josh said pulling the remaining rabbit and pheasant out the fridge, skinned and plucked into large bowl.

"quite the welcome boys" Jasper said putting his arm around my shoulder, "but what kind of friend would I be without returning a little hospitality" he said with a wry smile

"You know Sam, sometimes they say when its too good, somethings off" he squeezed my should tightly in his vice like grip, his sharp claws digging into my shoulder like needles poking my skin.

"I just wanted to be honest, you said honesty went along way with you" I reminded him defensively

"I did yes" Jasper nodded looking into my eyes, "tell you what, you've earnt a seat at our table, so you should come enjoy the spoils with us tonight"

"The supplies are yours, we wouldn't want to..." josh started but was interrupted immediately by Jasper, "it wasn't a request Joshua" he accentuated Josh's name pronouncing the syllables slowly

Jasper continued holding the bottle of wine up, "if there's anything funny going off here, I will chop every one of your fingers off one by one, you understand that right, ill make sure its slow and as painful as possible" he said while Josh and I nodded

"come on get this in the car, you two, Mike will drive you to the Colony, your going to spend the night with us" he smiled showing his numerous teeth gently pushing us to the door.

Josh and I were led to our car, Mike a panther covered in black fur got into the drivers seat as we watched Jaspers goons load up the poisoned wine into the truck.

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